An Imperial Affliction
My short story version of Van Houten's "An Imperial Affliction," featured in John Green's bestselling novel "The Fault In Our Stars." The story of a girl named Anna, a Dutch Tulip Man, and a hamster named Sisyphus.
My short story version of Van Houten's "An Imperial Affliction," featured in John Green's bestselling novel "The Fault In Our Stars." The story of a girl named Anna, a Dutch Tulip Man, and a hamster named Sisyphus.
All based off of the mentions of "An Imperial Affliction" in "The Fault in Our Stars". This is MY personal interpretation of John Green's description of "An Imperial Affliction". Hopefully my work is as good as read as his, and it's worry if Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters's approval:)
My name is Anna. I'm sixteen years old and I have cancer. But, don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine. The people you should be worried about include my tulip obsessed mother, her mysterious lover, The Dutch Tulip Man, and my delusional hamster who thinks that running on that little wheel of his will actually get hi...