Really Dirty Jokes!
We've got raunchy jokes, spicy jokes, racist jokes, jokes that might wanna make you choke. Sexy jokes or scary jokes? My nigga, we've got all of those!
Mature -
Dirty Jokes
Wanna read some funny dirty jokes? Read this now! all of these are not mine they are from internet
Blonde Jokes
Offensive to blondes. If you are going to read this I suggest you sit in the toilet because you will pee your pants with laughter! You've been warned! xD
1,000 Random Riddles
Welcome to a book about Random Riddles! In this book, each update there will be a new riddle for the readers to try and answer in the comments. I will "Randomly" choose someone with the right answer to be the winner and they will get a dedication in the next update. I'm aiming to write 1,000, or technically -as much a...