To Whom It May Concern
My thoughts, opinions, and spurts of inspiration that I don't mind sharing with the world. I often write poetry or rants without context, so look forward to that. This is a journal of sorts.
My thoughts, opinions, and spurts of inspiration that I don't mind sharing with the world. I often write poetry or rants without context, so look forward to that. This is a journal of sorts.
This is my idea journal and emotion catalog. When I read the earlier chapters, I cringe, when I read the middle section, I cringe less, and the last few chapters are okay! Have fun, folks!
Just a collection of thoughts to get me through life, and hopefully will help you guys too! Note: I wrote this in my Freshman year (first year of high school in the United States), so the grammar is horrible, and it's cheesy, but I want to leave the majority of it alone to show that I've been there, and I overcame it.