Double Life
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In the fourth installment of the 'One in a Milyon' series, Milyon Carter faces most challenging times. While her newly wed husband, Cartier King is facing federal charges, along with Maceon Carter. No one can be trusted. As a kings queen, Milyon must overcome her heartache and grief due to the absence of her husband a...
Copyright © 2014 All Copy Rights Reserved *READ 'One In A Milyon' and 'One In A Milyon 2' BEFORE READING THIS. Once again, Milyon's life is in shambles. Carti is fighting for his life while Milyon received some news that could potentially be her downfall. Milyon waits day after day for Carti to awake from his coma, b...
Crystal is being bully to find she kinda likes her bully people judge because she a nerd.On the inside of her u will find out the true her.August Alsina is her bully but will they ever go to serious terms or will he keep bullying her.
August and Rachell knew each other since they were little kids. One day they split apart. August promised to come see her soon on her 17th birthday will he show up? What happens when they meet up again? Will they end up falling in love with each other or just stay best friends? Find out. /.\