Help me... Trilogy of The Twin Sister
Deathly Hallows part 2, Harry and Lily Potter and their two best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley continue their journey to find Horcruxes to kill Voldemort. Now it's time to find out...
Deathly Hallows part 2, Harry and Lily Potter and their two best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley continue their journey to find Horcruxes to kill Voldemort. Now it's time to find out...
Lilian Jennifer Potter is the twin of Harry James Potter. She was there all though out his life, 1,2,3,4,5 years she's been through thick and thin. She survived BellaTrix LeStrange and the mark she left on her arm. She has survived Draco Malfoys' Torment... But what happens on her 6th year when she falls in love with...
it's Haylee Walters's first year of Hogwarts. Haylee is a muggleborn, or so she thinks but what she doesn't know, is that at Hogwarts she'll meet someone who holds the key to her parents, Haylee knows nothing of who she truly is. all she knows is that she's adopted and that her parents were killed when she was a year...
it's Haylee potters third year of Hogwarts and she thought her life couldn't get any worse, with a crazy dark wizard who wants to use her memories for his own good, a song that has been playing through her head her whole life and the loss of her adoptive parents, but apparently it can. after one of the Wizarding world...
its Haylee Potter's 5th year at Hogwarts and its going to be her hardest, for this year, is the year of the O.W.L.s but that isn't the only thing happening this year. While her brother insured nightmares and outbursts of anger, she is training her inner eye but this isn't by choice. After getting a vision about Harry...
A whole summer spent in an empty room, this isn't what Haylee Potter thought would happen, but this is what happens when your a seer with a photographic memory. Forced to learn the dark arts by Lord Voldemort, she forms a plan to escape but her hope for freedom is quickly crushed when she is given a mission, a missio...
it's Haylee Potter's second year of Hogwarts( sorry couldn't come up with anything but it's good)
Its Haylee's Forth year at Hogwarts and its just as challenging as it always as has been, only this time, she has to face, a new DADA teacher, A deadly Tournament and a newfound ability but with a growing threat to her life and the life of her brother, will she make it to the end of her forth year alive or will this t...