Characters Wanted!
Writers have to get their characters from somewhere. Sometimes it's just not as simple as making them up.
Writers have to get their characters from somewhere. Sometimes it's just not as simple as making them up.
Garret Daniels meets a mysterious man calling himself The Weeper. He embarks upon a quest and things steadily become stranger and stranger...
An innocent bedtime story/parable from a father to daughter when asked why she doesn't age, eat or get sick like other kids
I had shaken her, like she had shaken me. A collision, sharp, loud with the unknown. We recoil, spinning away, leaving with the other a taste of risk and uncomfortability. Balance returns, and with it a film of doubt, nigh on undetectable, yet spreading, seeping into our thoughts like a steady drip of water.
Do you ever check what's in the food and drink that's in your body? Or just what's cheap and convenient This is not intended to defame any retail companies or soda/energy drink companies as I am a huge fan and drinker of Monster Energy. As usual, don't sue me.