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  • Dreams
    264 28 33

    A Collection of Short Stories The terror toys that come to life. A startling discovery behind closed doors. The chilling secret of everyday static from a million miles away. A distant hope held in the opportunity of stars. A company of dreams, misfits and odd-ends collected in short stories: hollow dreams that haunt f...

  • Deep Beneath the Pacific (Pacific Rim)
    31.7K 967 15

    August 10th, 2013. San Francisco Bay. Otherwise known as "K-DAY". An earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale was reported from the center of the San Francisco Bay. But it wasn’t shifting of the tectonic plates as everyone would have assumed - it was footsteps. "Trespasser" had come. Standing approximately 302 fe...

  • My Long Lost Princess
    337K 7.8K 17

    Janelle has lived in an orphanage ever since she was three. She doesn't know how she ended up at the orphanage or where her parents are. All she has is a locket. She thinks it's from her parents and she thinks it's a locket. She's never been able to open it. Anyway the orphanage is located in the kingdom of Montegi. Y...

  • Star Crossed
    808 43 18

    Love sucks. Especially when your in love with a Moriarty. -CH (Not a sheriarty fanfic)

  • Separate Worlds
    580 41 17

    "Why are you doing this?" I sobbed as he hovered over my restrained form his eyes filled with lust and he gave me an evil smirk. "Because, darling, you. are. MINE. and not even your precious king can change that!" He shouted as he tried to rip open my dress and my sobbing grew louder. "NIALL!" Just then the door b...
