The Essence of Water
***OLD AND NEW VERSION ENCLOSED*** Marked a Misfit and destined for tragedy. Adie must fight to keep her life. Water will not kill her but, it may be the death of her.
***OLD AND NEW VERSION ENCLOSED*** Marked a Misfit and destined for tragedy. Adie must fight to keep her life. Water will not kill her but, it may be the death of her.
Seventeen year-old Eliza Taylor's latest run-in with New York City Police lands her on a bus with a one way ticket to the small town of Blackwater. Unimpressed with being an indentured servant for her cranky and ridiculously ancient aunt, Eliza soon finds hope when she meets Dante, another of her aunt's employees, as...
Okie's fifteen. She lives in New York. She's got a few problems: she's failing geography, her dad's a wimp, and her mother, Sumatra, is a stone cold bitch. But things get a lot worse when Sumatra turns into a zombie and eats Okie's dad. Clio, Okie's grandmother, lives in Toronto; but since the zombie apocalypse, Toron...
Main Genre: Horror (Ghosts, Occult Detective). Sub Genres: Paranormal, Short Stories. This short story series follows a 16-year-old boy named Jay Silence Trent and his many supernatural adventures. In each story, he uncovers a dangerous world of horror and violence, magic and secrets, and dreams and nightmares. Along...
For months Summer is trapped in a cellar with the man who took her - and three other girls: Rose, Poppy, and Violet. His perfect, pure flowers. His family. But flowers can't survive long cut off from the sun, and time is running out...
"The most frightening story I have ever read", "Terrifying", "I never want to sleep alone again", "The first time I have read a story which has made my heart race", "Brilliantly written", "Honestly the most gripping story I've read in a long time, from the very first line to the very last. I think everyone that read t...