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  • Shushrusha Heart Care & Multispeciality Hospital
    64 2 16

    Around the period of 1965-70s the state of Maharashtra was undergoing sea change in its development under the able leadership of the then Chief Minister, Shri YB Chavan who initiated the cooperative movement in a big way. Taking advantage of this movement and to benefit the masses, the hospital was conceptualized and...

  • Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Myth
    12 1 1

    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic illness in which a human body's immune system acts as a foreign invader and covertly attacks joint linings, leading to pain, swelling, inflammation and deformity. There are many myth associated with the disease that deter patients from living a full and active life. In this artic...

  • Common myth about heart disease
    5 0 1

    We stay in misconceptions and myths about a lot of things. Unfortunately we don't even bother to break these myths because we are so happy believing them. Yes, even when they include heart and cancer, even when they include our health. Therefore Shushrusha here facilitates you with the most common myths about heart so...

  • Never Ignore These Four Pains
    2 0 1

    If any part of your body "pains" then it is an indication that there is some problem in that part particular part of your body. Experts from Shushrusha Heart Care &Multispecialty Hospital say that sometimes the pain can just be an indication of tiredness and it can be ignored but when a part of the body suffers from r...

  • Heart disease diagnosis
    16 0 1

    It is not impossible to detect a hearty disease but it certainly is not easy as well. Often people claim on symptoms which are not very relevant. When they are asked by the doctor if they feel any sort of pain, then they deny that they don't feel any pain. They wild rather say that they feel more pressure and heavines...

  • Foods for preventing the heart disease
    7 0 1

    Heart failure caused by damage to the heart that has developed over time can’t be cured. But it can be treated, quite often with strategies to improve symptoms. Successful treatment depends on your willingness to get involved in managing this condition, whether you’re the patient or a caregiver. With heart disease the...

  • Prevention of heart disease
    3 0 1

    It’s true that we can protect ourselves from the life threatening heart diseases if we want to. It’s okay if you believe that a heart disease can’t be protected. But how about giving it a try? There are some ways where you can definitely try to reduce any of the heart disease. Stop smoking Smoking is the worst thing t...

  • Sign and symptoms of heart disease
    20 0 1

    Heart is the most crucial and significant part of the body. A healthy heart is equal to a healthy life. So it is extremely important for you to take care of your heart in every way possible. You should not avoid even a microscopic change or any symptoms which is unusual. Though each heart disease requires different tr...

  • Take care of heart diseases .
    13 1 1

    Nowadays heart diseases are one of the main causes of death and there are several reasons responsible for causing these diseases. Unhealthy and untimely diet, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and stress are the main reasons which create problems related to health. These days even the teenagers and youngsters are...