Forging Bonds: Into the Woods
short sequel to Forging Bonds: On a weekend getaway, Jonathan and Sock run into past personal problems that put a strain on their relationship. And hopefully draw them closer too.
short sequel to Forging Bonds: On a weekend getaway, Jonathan and Sock run into past personal problems that put a strain on their relationship. And hopefully draw them closer too.
Based on #810 wthkinkmeme prompt: Barely college freshmen in college, Jonathan Combs and Napoleon Sowachowski decided to attend a highly talked about Sorority Party at Beta Lambda Kappa. One thing you should know about Kappa girls, they really like shipping boys together.
Prompt 199: When Sock was alive, his family was friends with the Combs' (like old family friends "oh I haven't seen you in so long!") Jonathan 6 while Sock is 15. Why does this kid keep following Sock around the party?
Sock is abandoned by his parents and then his childhood friend, Joane, betrays him by telling her mom who then calls social services. So Mephistopheles, a social worker, takes him under his wing, so to speak, and finds him a foster home where he meets Jonathan Combs. Jonathan has been in the foster care system almost...
An AU where Sock works at a pet store, and is very flirtatious. Somehow Jonathon was convinced he needed a dog but wound up getting more than he bargained for.
Waking up to find a stranger in your apartment would shock anyone. Even if he's gorgeous, shirtless, and hung over, a normal person would just let him be on his way not invite him for breakfast. And you definitely don't fall in love with him! However, Napoleon Sowachowski was anything but normal. (rated R for future c...