motivational quotes
being someone who will make everybody feel like a somebody > 2015 <
Thoughts For An Inspired Living A collection of random thoughts that inspire and motivate....for the difficult days and for the not so difficult ones too! Thoughts that add a spring to the step and a smile to the lips....and give wings to dreams that soar....
If you're feeling down and need some motivation this book may put a smile on your face Warning if you don't like hearing, or in this case reading, motivations do not read this book that's all it's here to do, put a smile on your face and motivate you I don't own any pictures
Katie was a 17 year old who couldn't go outside, she's been in love with Charlie, he heard her singing on the street and their relationship went on from there
If you love THE HUNGER GAMES and DIVERGENT, try EARTHSEED Before Katniss entered the Hunger Games, before Tris was declared Divergent, Zoheret and her companions traveled to the stars to save humanity… Would they sow the seeds of hope? Or the seeds of destruction? *UPDATING ON TUESDAYS*