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Michael didn't say much. Luke said nothing at all. Luke and Michael were perfect for each other. Silent. But still perfect. WINNER OF THE 'MUKE' BROMANCE AWARD ALSO AWARDED THE STORY WITH THE MOST VOTES OUT OF ALL OTHER CATAGORIES
Michael didn't say much. Luke said nothing at all. Luke and Michael were perfect for each other. Silent. But still perfect. WINNER OF THE 'MUKE' BROMANCE AWARD ALSO AWARDED THE STORY WITH THE MOST VOTES OUT OF ALL OTHER CATAGORIES
Luke est un chasseur en quête de vengeance. Il hait les vampires et est prêt à tout pour retrouver le couple de sangsues qui a fait de sa vie un enfer. Ses recherches devront cependant s'interrompre quand il se retrouve plongé jusqu'au cou dans les affaires de Michael, puissant maître vampire qu'il semble amuser a...