My life as a Half robot- Naruto Vocaloid Crossover (sasuke sister story)
The story revolves around Mato Uchiha, Sasuke and Itachi's little sister. Find out how she became a vocaloid and how she became friends with the other vocaloids
The story revolves around Mato Uchiha, Sasuke and Itachi's little sister. Find out how she became a vocaloid and how she became friends with the other vocaloids
Looking for someone to love, Bones finds a another male that he soons starts getting attached to... Will the relationship stay forever? *NOT DONE!*
the last time i updated this thing for real was in 2015, so i highly advise against reading this. even so, i will never cease to be astonished at the sheer number of individuals who have willingly read and loved this book over the course of the past years. no matter how cringey this old material may be, it brings back...
*info taken from Google,Tumblr, Instagram and books* I'm obsessed with zodiacs so, I made a book about zodiacs!!