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  • Never Have I Ever
    22.3M 316K 32

    Aria has always laid low in school with her tight-knit group of friends. When she meets Nash at a party, he's rude, he's blunt, and he's got more baggage than he can carry. Aria immediately dislikes him. But the line between hate and love is very thin, and a continuous game of Never Have I Ever may change everything.

  • The Secret Double-Lives of Strangers on Trains ✓
    29.5K 2.2K 1

    There is an intangible magic to the secret double-lives of strangers on trains. She spends her journeys gazing out at city lights outside the window of the train. He watches strangers on the seats around him. Two strangers living off the stories of strangers, with only one journey to find their own. {Written 2013.}

  • Characters Wanted!
    147K 2K 3

    Writers have to get their characters from somewhere. Sometimes it's just not as simple as making them up.
