Phan Texts
Phan Texts between Dan and Phil (or whoever else I want, okay?) Just super cute and super funny stuff (unless I feel in the mood for something else then it's angst AF)
Phan Texts between Dan and Phil (or whoever else I want, okay?) Just super cute and super funny stuff (unless I feel in the mood for something else then it's angst AF)
Our favorite greasers texting each other (and some reader inserts as well)
It all started with Eliza, Alexander Hamilton's girlfriend, leaving him alone with his best friend (and crush) John Laurens. How much can one summer of secret love change the lives of these two boys? Ships included: hamiltonXlaurens lafayetteXhercules jeffersonXmadison elizaXmaria burrXbeing salty
Alexander Hamilton X John Laurens because Lams is freaking adorable NO LONGER UPDATING FREQUENTLY