The Book I Will Never Write
Small excerpts of creative writing for whoever wants to read it. This is where I will discuss happenings in my life, post my thoughts, and other small things I have to say.
Small excerpts of creative writing for whoever wants to read it. This is where I will discuss happenings in my life, post my thoughts, and other small things I have to say.
This Novelette is a psychological thriller that take place in a small town in Utah. What is the cause of the whole town going crazy? Is it a breakout of some dangerous disease? Is there a government conspiracy using brainwashing and mind control? Or is this all in the head of a schizophrenic who has stopped respon...
[A psychological thriller] When you can't even pay for a bottle of water, you might want a friend like Casper. This may be hard considering he's the God-given prophet of Seabrook high; the type of kid who offers existential philosophies on a Monday and spews poetry the next. Friends are a select few for Casper, and...