Turning Back Time (Harry Potter) COMPLETED!
“There's no going back. What's done is done.” A few years after the battle, Ginny Weasley can't help but wonder... A bit of Time-Traveling to save lives can't hurt anyone, right?
“There's no going back. What's done is done.” A few years after the battle, Ginny Weasley can't help but wonder... A bit of Time-Traveling to save lives can't hurt anyone, right?
Just when life has calmed down and the last of the next generation has left for Hogwarts; Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione are thrown back in time overnight. They wake up looking like they did in 1991 while keeping the memories of their lives, lives they now have to live all over again. They meet some old friends along...
They ran, he escaped and together they formed the Light Nights but when they are called into action can they preform with all the negative memories they share? Or can they overcome adversity and save the wizarding world? *WRONG BWL STORY*
This story belongs to sjg74, not me. I give all credit to him, I just wanted to read his story through Wattpad. Harry Potter and the Wrath of the Fallen A Novel by J. G. Simon Word Count: 274,045 Rating: Mature Warnings: Mild Language, Strong Violence, Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Substance Use or Abuse Genres: Drama, G...
Harry and Ginny obviously belong together. So watch as Hermione schemes, Ron bets and Hinny club stalk their obsession.
After Lucius Malfoy kidnaps Ginny, Harry goes looking for her. His friends, who happen to be Ginny's family, tell him to give up after 2 years. But will he give up? Or will he keep searching for the love of his life? And if he finds her, Will she remember him? What will happen? Find out in 'You and I'...
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, along with many other Hogwarts students, return to Hogwarts to finish their studies, and deal with many Hardships.
'Poslední z rodu' je fanfikcí volně navazující na kanonický 'Harry Potter a Fénixův řád' z brku J. K. Rowlingové a využívá námětů z prvních pěti dílů celé série, dál už však pokračuje svou vlastní cestou. Zároveň je také úvodní částí mojí „HP pentalogie", která postupně vznikala v letech 2006 - 2020. Některé postavy z...
James pozve Lily na rande a ona ho zázrakem neodmítne, jako tomu bylo celých šest let. Ale co kdyby se tak trochu i vsadili? Kdo prohraje? A jaké budou úkoly, když jeden z nich prohraje? A co na to poberti? Tohle je moje první povídka na Lily a Jamese, tak doufám, že se bude líbit :) #75 Fan fikce 16.05.2016...
Harry James Potter thinks he has fallen for his best friends sister, Ginny Weasley. What will happen when he try's to make their relationship a reality? WILL his efforts fail? or WILL Ginny fall head over heels in love with him? Read on to find out... - "You are a Lazy, Arrogant, Toe-rag!" - "Am I really worse than...
II. díl trilogie Pán zla se vrátil. A je mocnější víc než před čtrnácti lety. Brumbál svolává Fénixův řád, který je postaven před těžkou zkoušku. Jak bojovat proti největšímu černokněžníkovi všech dob, když v jeho návrat zbytek kouzelnického světa nevěří? Podaří se jim ochránit Harryho Pottera? Stará přátelství prochá...
2.díl trilogie Scorose Scorpius:Albusi, myslím, že mě právě opustila múza. Albus:Tak piš, co tě právě napadne, ne? Myslel jsem, že tak jsi to udělal i loni. Scorpius:No to jo, ale to jsem si z toho dělal srandu... Albus:Prostě piš. ° „Mojí milé Rose: Ahoj, Rose, opravdu doufám, že si mou báseň přečteš, protože ty čteš...
1.díl trilogie Scorose „Rose, jsi krásná jako jarní růže, teď už mi nic a nikdo nepomůže. Je mi trapně, jsem jako tlustočerv na slunci, ale hlavní je, že miluji tě, ve dne i o půlnoci. Když někdy hvězda z nebe padá, vždycky si přeju, abys u mě spala. Já cítil bych vůni tvých vlasů, a pak bych hůlkou navždy umlčel vos...
I. díl trilogie Pobertové právě nastupují do 7. ročníku v Bradavicích. Pán Zla sílí. Schyluje se k první válce. Okolnosti je donutí dospět rychleji, než by si přáli. Zdá se, že nad kouzelnickým lidem se stahují mračna. Před zkázou Vás nezachrání nic, než dobré jméno a čistá krev. Ale co když svoji rodinu nenávidíte? C...
Book 1 of 3 (Complete) "Love wasn't the way you felt as you looked at someone. The stirring in your stomach. It was the complete willingness to throw yourself in front of a knife to save them. And it was having the nerve to accept this, because you'd rather die a thousand times than to see them get hurt." A Soul Bonde...
This is a fanfic about Harry and Ginny, and about their lives, set from 3 years after the war. It contains their engagement, to the wedding, with everything between - break ups and fights, the Dursley's and the cinema. *Disclaimer, I do not own Harry Potter, or any characters, except for the ones that I make up. Ne...
Harry Potter from Ginny Weasley's point of view. How things happened....her way! She understands Harry will never fall for her but a girl can dream. When Harry believes he's in love with Ginny, things take a dark twist. Do they have what it takes to keep their love alive? Or will it end in burning flames? Most charact...
Harry can't help but fall in love with his best friends sister but he knows that if they are ever together she's in terrible danger...
Harry. Ginny. Hinny. May go through occasional editing since it's old, but I fixed the ending. Sequel~ In Your Head All rights to the characters go to J.K Rowling
Have you ever wondered what happened before the epilogue of Harry Potter? Characters go to JK Rowling except for a few OC's Cover art by Viria on DevientArt
This will fill the huge 19 year time gap in the Harry Potter epilogue!
Harry James Potter is a famous Slytherin... yep you herd that right, SLYTHERIN! But is different for his other housemates, on the contrary he hates these sick, over pampered, evil scum bags. He has always thought he didn't belong there, even Ron and Hermione knew he wasn't meant to be placed in that house. They are hi...