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  • Cassandra
    489K 21.8K 23

    Lady Cassandra Whitlock, the sister of the wealthy Duke of Somerhall, knows what is expected of young ladies in the ton such as her. She is to marry a wealthy, preferably titled, man and is to have no expectations of his fidelity. She is to remain subservient to him. However, she's never been good at meeting expectati...

  • Emily
    274K 14.1K 25

    *Book 2 in the Regency Series- can be read as a standalone.* Nathaniel Whitlock, Duke of Somerhall is used to debutantes who want him for nothing more than his title and the wealth and prestige that comes with it. He has seen the first of his sisters marry for love and knows that it is something he wants for himself...

  • Alexandra
    360K 16.7K 25

    *Book 3 in the Regency Series- can be read as a standalone.* Alexandra Whitlock grew up to be a romantic. However, upon her release into society at nineteen, she finds that it isn't all romance and balls. So, when she ventures to London at the ripe age of twenty for her first season, she is determined to not let anyo...

  • Enchantment of the Bow
    3M 137K 68

    Lyra knew that one day she would be set into an arranged marriage like a chess piece. She had been preparing for it her whole life, and she was almost alright with her fate. But she never thought that her father would choose the man that he did. That decision changed everything. The King of Whales is ruthless, more th...

    Completed   Mature
  • En garde, Milady, Saber Dance Series, Book 1 (Sample Only) now on Amazon
    308K 13.4K 10

    Watty's 2018 short list, #2 highest rank for Historical, 1st Place in the Profound Awards. Lord Grey has sailed the seas, fought pirates, and built a shipping fleet before turning thirty. Now he must marry and produce an heir. He believes his days of adventure are limited until he meets Gabriella Barrington. Her cou...

    389K 18.4K 53

    Set in the early fourteenth century. Scotland, this is the story of Agneta MacInnes oldest daughter of the laird of Kinlochaline Castle and her adventures. Growing up when women were subject to the rules of men, her strong spirit would defy these laws until fate intervenes and her life becomes embroiled in a series of...

    Completed   Mature
    2.9M 95.6K 21

    ❝All wolves are the same. Some are closer to a real monster, and others hide in sheep skin.❞ Lennox Armstrong is a twenty-six-year-old Alpha who controls one of the biggest packs in the Northern hemisphere. The one difference between him and every other werewolf? He's less human and more wolf. With his pack house loc...

  • Porcelain White (Book 1)
    390K 2.5K 5

    In 1876, western men sweep mail-order brides off their feet as soon as they arrive in town, but not Isabel Grant. Capt. Pichon rejects her for being "a skinny, school-girl" and is left in town to wait three days for the next train. Sgt. John Webster delivers the news to her and is drawn to protect this porcelain doll...

  • The Five Dollar Mail (Book 1: The Green & Book 2: Lynch's Boys)
    67.7K 6.7K 201

    Book 1: The Green (chapters 1-104) Five dollars to mail a letter seems like a lot of money to shy farm girl Lily McMillian. When she's hired in the spring of 1860 by Old Man Lynch as a cook for his stagecoach and Pony Express station, she finds out why it's so expensive. Dropped into a whirlwind of rowdy men and boy...

  • Midnight Blue (Book 3)
    41.9K 688 4

    Murder, romance and robbery surround Victoria Spencer, the new dress shop owner, who is determined to bring Martin Cooper, a saloon owner. to justice for killing her mother, even it means traveling several hours to a ranch to gather evidence. Cooper's past returns to haunt him, and he is a vengeful man, who gets even...

  • Highland Chieftain (Book 5)
    84.6K 7.6K 48

    The Druids were a hunted people long ago...they made a pact to scatter their children throughout time to keep them safe from the massacre to come. These children became lost, both in time and in the memories of people. At first they were looked for but now they have become legend... Firstly her brother turns out to b...

  • What Goes Around...
    615K 32.7K 53

    Freya is a grown up child genius. Her life has been devoted to her work, her education. But it all comes unravelled in a moment through no fault of her own. How does a socially inept woman survive in a world without the protection of her work? Step in her brother, Oscar, or more importantly his aloof and damaged best...

  • CHALLENGES: The Foresters (Sample only, Published at Amazon)
    77.9K 4.2K 10

    Highest Rank #2. (Published on Amazon. Six chapters available for review.) First impressions can often be wrong. Lori Forester's five older brothers raised her to ride like an Indian, shoot the head off a match with blinding speed, and hunt with skill and cunning, like a brother. Though, she also has the skills of a l...

  • Acting Royal #Wattys2017
    15.5M 661K 76

    He needs a wife. She needs the money. The playboy prince needs a respectable girl to play his doting fiance for the weekend. If he doesn't convince his parents he's a changed man, he can say goodbye to his crown and inheritance. Enter Jenny, an actress who has just been hired to play the role of her life. Especially s...

  • Burning Moon (Wattpad Version)
    9M 236K 53

    (#1 ChickLit) WARNING: Being left at the altar in front of 500 wedding guests may lead to irrational behavior, causing you to go on your honeymoon alone. Other side- effects may include very bad hair, getting arrested, setting yourself on fire, landing up on a "Missing Poster" with the same bad hair and unexpectedly f...

  • Those Pretty Blind Eyes
    3M 103K 75

    Playing a tune that I knew since I was a child. I expertly pressed the key correctly, not a single mistake. The beautiful sound coming from the grand piano echos in the room, it feels like it was taking me to another world where I can only imagine. Closing my eyes because that's the only thing that I can do. "I love...

  • Coffee & Criminals
    3.7M 179K 44

    18 year old Florence Remy has three things that mean the world to her: Twizzlers, her best friends Ade and Clancy, and her parents' coffee shop the Espresso House in downtown Brooklyn, New York. As a small business amongst huge corporations, Florence and her parents struggle to make ends meet. However, they remain opt...

    Completed   Mature
  • His Ranch
    2.8M 98.5K 38

    Flannery Moore decides to take a year off of college and put her ambitions to be a voice teacher on hold to stay home amd keep her parents marraige from falling apart. Instead, she ends up in a relationship that ends in pregnancy. After getting kicked out of her home, she looks to a wonderful nurse who acts as a guard...

    Completed   Mature
  • From Nerdy to Hottie
    74.6K 2.4K 68

    Chloe and her two friends, Caitlin and Kendall, are probably the most nerdiest freshmen at Nortonville High School. Their siblings,on the other hand, were probably the most popular. The girls realize that no matter what the boy's status, they all wanted a pretty, popular girl. The girls are now on a mission to prove t...

  • A Strange Summer (Book 1&2)
    252K 16.5K 72

    #1 în Ficţiune Adolescenţi (11.12.2015) Evelyn nu e o sfântă, ci e mai degrabă un magnet pentru necazuri. Rebelă. Irascibilă. Neîncrezătoare. Specială. Cu un dar a vedea fantome. Iar cu o diavoliţă de mamă vitregă precum Leah e clar că nu ai pace. O fi ea frumoasă, dar Eve nu se lasă impresionată. O urăşt...

  • Mi Princesa
    244K 15.8K 47

    Khatrin Waild e idealul fetei perfecte. Este elegantă, educată, bună la suflet și multe alte calități puse într-un trup de păpușă. Toți o admiră și toți o venerează. De-a lungul anilor a fost fiica, eleva și chiar iubita perfectă, ajungând la frumoasa vârstă de 19 ani unde are cam tot ce-și poate dori cineva. Însă aic...

  • Academia Alice
    425K 32.5K 82

    A privit cladirea uriașă din fața ei, ce putea fi numită cu siguranță castel, și în acel moment un nod i se pune în gât... Știa...pur și simplu știa că odată cu primul pas pe care îl va face dincolo de porțile uriașe de fier se va afla într-o altă lume, o lume în care totul e permis și minciuna nu este o încălcare fir...

  • Puterea celor trei fecioare (Întrând în lumea vârcolacilor, Volumul III)
    123K 9.2K 56

    După o bătălie cu moartea Alice se trezește mai sănătoasă ca oricând. Și-a recuperat vârcolacul din interior care i-a fost ucis când a devenit un om complet. Se bucură de fiecare clipă petrecută în pădure alături de iubitul ei, Christopher Smith, și trăiește într-o familie numeroasă alături de părinții adoptivi și cei...

  • Dacă nu seduci, se duce. |FINALIZATĂ|
    227K 14.3K 43

    ―IN CURS DE EDITARE― Oricum ai intoarce situatia este la fel. Si indiferent de modul in care i-ai privi pe cei doi nu se schimba nimic. Unul mai nebun ca celalalt - asa pot fi cei doi caracterizati. De la prima intalnire si pana in prezent ies scantei cand cei doi se ciocnesc. Alexander Dunn nu se lasa mai prejo...

  • Prefă-te că mă iubeşti
    2.5M 124K 33

    Găsirea unui inel pierdut pe plajă îi aduce lui Jennifer Rey mai multe probleme decât şi-ar putea imagina vreodată o femeie. În speranţa că va scăpa de bărbatul ce o torturează de ani buni, ea acceptă un pact cu acesta şi se preface iubita lui pentru o seară. Harry e fiul moştenitor al unei averi impresionante, da...

  • Vicii Primare
    578K 37.1K 61

    Lavinia Arhire este o simplă studentă în primul an la facultatea de jurnalism și aspiră să ajungă cineva cunoscut în viitor. Viața ei este relativ liniștită, până ajunge în Iași și începe să-și facă prieteni. Aici, ea începe să se maturizeze și evoluează ca și om, mulțumită celor din jur, reușind să se facă plăcută de...

  • DESTINE IMPLETITE (publicată)
    821K 15.3K 13

    Jack... soarta i-a dat intotdeauna ce si-a dorit. Mai putin pe fata de care e cu adevarat indragostit. Dar e hotarat sa nu renunte. Chelsea... are totul planuit pentru urmatorii ani:scoala, cariera. Nimic nu o pregateste pentru ceea ce viata ii rezerva in schimb. Va reusi sa treaca peste toate greutatile si, i...

  • Iubire periculoasă
    7.9M 313K 108

    Abygail Smith, o tânără în vârstă de nouăsprezece ani, crede că știe exact ce își dorește de la viață . Însă, după o petrecere la care merge însoțită de cea mai bună prietenă , lumea ei perfectă este zguduită din temelii . Dylan Turner obține întodeauna ce vrea. Sexy si provocator, băiatul o face să simtă dragostea ș...

    Completed   Mature
  • Vânătorul
    999K 62.6K 40

    L-a cunoscut în momentul în care niciunul nu îndrăznea să mai ceară nimic de la soartă. Timpul nu trecuse peste ei, ci împotriva lor. Dar atunci când erau împreună, timpul nu părea să mai meargă. Lumea și trecutul nu mai conta. În ochii ei, el era ca un armăsar pur-sânge. Era sălbatic! Era dur! Era pasional! Era de ne...

    Completed   Mature
  • Seductie vanata
    1.4M 59.3K 28

    Un accident i-a adus impreuna...dar sunt atatea lucruri care ii despart.
