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  • Wheelchair Accessible
    217K 10.5K 21

    A story about a tough jock who's only friend was a girl in a wheelchair.

  • 2,199 Days Later (S5 Bellarke Fic)
    19.3K 520 20

    It's been safe to come down to Earth from the Ring for over a year now. Why haven't those in space come down? Who are the people in the Prisoner Transport Clarke and Madi (a fellow Nightblood) saw? How are Octavia, Kane, and Abby holding up in the Bunker? Is Abby's mind still frying from the effects of ALIE, since the...

  • This is Reality ~ Bellarke
    75.3K 1.4K 11

    Opposites attract. It confuses Clarke when she finds her self needing Bellamy's support. Bellamy of all people. Clarke doesn't see Bellamy as more than a co leader and a good friend. But can the same be said from Bellamy?? After Jasper recovery Clarke decides to throw a get better celebration. Is a party with 100 crim...

  • Destiny
    73 1 8

    There's Dragons, adventure and a little romance... HAVE FUN! 😂

  • The 100 Season 4
    711 26 3

    It's always been us against them. First the grounders, then Mount Weather, and most recently, ALIE. But it's different now. Now it's us against the world. And this time, I'm not so sure we're going to make it out alive.

  • The 100 season 4 ( Bellarke )
    7.1K 129 12

    This story start's after Octavia killed Pike, and Bellamy is looking at her leaving the room. I had to do this to help me and all of you The100 fans and Bellarke shippers trough this big hiatus, I hope you enjoy it.

  • Bellarke One Shots
    124K 3.2K 39

    Pining roommates, angsty canonverse, fake dating, mama Clarke, we've got it ALL. *quality increases as you go--I personally recommend starting at 'My Girl' and going from there*

  • Endure (Bellarke)
    107K 3.5K 25

    He didn't push her to tell him what was going on. He understood that Clarke was hurting, and that she needed someone to lean on. Bellamy wasn't the type of person that you could lean on, yet when it came to Clarke, things seemed different. He held her in a tight embrace for what seemed like twenty minutes. Clarke's so...