Random quotes
Just images of random quotes and sayings that i have saved on my phone these quotes mean alot to me
Just images of random quotes and sayings that i have saved on my phone these quotes mean alot to me
Soon after tulip finds her family she settles down into her family life everything is good, until she and junior meet again a year later. Her feelings for him have not changed one day since she last saw him, but things get complicated really complicated......
Follow the lives of Junior the Stork and Tulip the human as they both struggle to deliver babies to their families. JuniorXTulip
He's a stork and he delivers babies. She's a human who fixes machines for a living. They make the perfect team though, even the best of teams go through tough times. But most are not as hilarious as these two. And the troubles that follow... (Includes humor, drama, romance, family and minor violence later on) Junior...
Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde have been police partners for more than a year now and those two are now known as the greatest crime fighting duo in Zootopia. Though as the two are always together, other animals mistake the two as a couple. Each of them deny it but can't help feel a bit hurt when they hear each other's den...
just what the title says. ~*~ {i do not own zootopia/zootropolis or any of its characters. as much as i would love to own finnick, and keep him locked up in a cage next to my bed, i don't, and i only own the storylines used in these one-shots.} somehow reached #303 in fanfiction at some point what. #1 in zootopia (10...
2 Souls bound by destiny. A fox and A Rabbit. 2 mammals meant to be enemies by nature. Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps are best friends for over a year but the fox sees more in the Rabbit than that. What will happen then he confess his feelings to her and what will happen after she knows that the fox feels the same for a...
This is a story about a young bunny, Judy Hopps whose dream is to travel the world, and generally belong somewhere. Everything changes in her life, once she is trapped in a parallel universe, where her only salvation is a fox.
[BOOK 2 NOW INCLUDED] Nick Wilde is hopelessly in love with the magnificent Judy Hopps, and wants to claim her as his own. But it's not easy to be the odd couple of Zootopia. Two opposite species, together leaves heads turned all over the city. Family, friends, even your own colleagues at ZPD questions your taste. How...
NickXJudy Drabbles. Follow the lives of michevious and overly-flirty fox, Nick Wilde, who used to make his living conning animals and Judy Hopps, a spite-fire police officer for the Zootopia Police department. Chapter 1-33 were made before I saw the movie Zootopia. Edited by: @obsessivegeekgirl13 Comic series a...