Amazing Life
I am shera i often day dream and get in to troble i have no dad sisters brothers or mom i was adopted so i guess i do kind of have a mom and dad.
I am shera i often day dream and get in to troble i have no dad sisters brothers or mom i was adopted so i guess i do kind of have a mom and dad.
In this book I am going to tell everyone about God,I am going to tell you guys verses,songs, and all I know about the real God,Jesus,Christ,Lord,Savior,Amazing one,and him
I'm Scarlet Parks, I'm 15 years old, and I have 6 sisters, 2 brothers, a mom and no dad. He died when I was 1 week old. it is really hard to have that meny brothers and sisters. I have a special connection with my youngest sister we are the best of friends my older sisters and brohers are mean to me so i am going to...