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  • Everything is Blue
    4.5K 345 11

    Sebastian hat blaue Haare, blaue Augen und blaue Flecken. Jim ist vielleicht farbenblind, aber dennoch nicht blind gegenüber dem Sturm, in dem Sebastian gefangen ist. Watty's Shortlist 2021

  • m e t a n o i a
    3.5K 462 20

    Zwischen Sprühfarbe und rastlosen Nächten - so lebt Sebastian Moran. Wenn er nicht gerade zu viel nachdenkt, muss er sich seinen Problemen stellen; und die sind deutlich in der Überzahl. Angefangen bei seinem Exfreund, zu den Geldproblemen seiner Mutter bis hin zu Jim, dem ältesten der drei Moriarty-Brüder, die er bab...

  • Hooked
    57.1K 2.2K 30

    Mirror Mirror on the wall What's the finest ship of all? It's been two years since the barrier went down. The people of the Isle are free. Auradon will soon have the King and Queen they deserve and everything is picture perfect. Now the only conflict left to address is the one inside Ben's heart.

  • Requiem
    4.4K 639 34

    ~A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told~ In Handlung und Briefen soll "Requiem" diese bislang unerzählte Geschichte des genialen Verbrecherkönigs James Moriarty und seines besten Scharfschützen Sebastian Moran aufdecken und dabei hinein in die Welt des 19. Jahrhunderts führen: Nach seiner Zeit bei der...

  • Johnlock Oneshots
    5.9K 194 6

    In diesen Buch geht es, wie der Titel schon sagt um kurz Geschichten von John Watson und Sherlock Holmes. Die Charakter gehören mir nicht! Das Kaver meinen Buch wurde von Wunschdenker angefertigt. Wen ihr also auch eins wollt meldet euch über ihr Buch ,, wünsch dir was " und gebt ihr eine sehr gute Beschreibung von eu...

  • Malec One Shots
    470K 14.7K 218

    COMPLETED Fluff, Heartache, Happenies, Cute Flirting

  • Tony, I'm sorry
    102K 3.3K 25

    It began with a simple "I'm sorry." But it became something more. Tony Stark believed he could never trust Steve Rogers again. And Steve Rogers thought he could never be trusted again. But oh, how the tables have turned. //number one in stony for like half a second//

  • How To: Stay Alive
    18.5K 2.1K 82

    Geheimnisse, Familienprobleme, Feindschaften und zu allem Überfluss auch noch Gefühle - Zutaten, die eine tödliche Mischung ergeben. Jim Moriarty hätte nie gedacht, dass er sich eines Tages mit so etwas herumschlagen würde. Doch seitdem seine Eltern ihn und seinen Bruder auf ein Internat für "schwierige Jugendliche" g...

  • Like lovers do
    90.5K 2.6K 14

    Short chapters Like lovers do by Hey violet. (Also posted on a3o) Rankings: #340-boyxboyromance 12/26/18 #131-boyxboyromance 1/4/19 #185-boyxboyromance 3/29/19 #198-boyxboyromance 4/27/19

  • Sinking Ship ~ Stony
    228K 7.9K 22

    Tony is an emotional wreck and the reason why is about 6 feet tall, blue eyed, a superhero with a great body and is (almost) as stubborn as Tony is. Is Steve going to able to make sure Tony won't get hurt again? Or is he going to be the one that is going to hurt Tony? Highest ranking: #2 on Stony ❤️

  • TWITTER ➵ cockles
    145K 7.9K 84

    ❝the acceptable nomenclature is: smokin'.❞ [ lowercase intended ; a cockles fan fic ]

  • Hawksilver Fics
    52.3K 1.2K 8

    A wide array of hawksilver oneshots

  • Rezoni ff - die Abschlussfahrt
    12.6K 434 10

    Es geht um eine 5 tägige Abschlussfahrt nach England, auf die Toni aus mehreren Gründen keine Lust hat, doch das wird sich ändern ----------Hauptpersonen: Toni: 16 Jahre, 10. Klasse, bi Rezo : 17 Jahre, wohnt seit fast einem Jahr mit Eltern in England, hat Abschluss in Deutschland, eigentlich straight

  • Fußball-Oneshots-BoyxBoy
    106K 3.1K 89

    Hier geht's zu meinem zweiten Oneshotbuch 😊 Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß damit. Lg Anilena ❤

  • Tidal Vitality (Ben x Harry Hook)
    69.9K 1.6K 30

    Our novel about King Ben and Harry Hook from Disney's Descendants. Written by @benxharryhook on Instagram. Fluff and smut. Tragic and sweet. Need more description? Come and read it! Story about Ben Florian. Story about Harry Hook. Story that follows during and after the Descendants films 2 and 3. (Includes short AU st...

  • A Bump In The Road
    94.7K 2.3K 12

    Steve is trying to figure out his feelings for the genius,billionaire,ex-playboy,philanthropist. He knows his feelings are far from friendship. He just doesn't know what they are yet.

  • The Healer's Choice (LOTR General Fanfiction)
    24.2K 902 19

    Legolas was hurt in battle, but when Aragorn tries to heal him, Legolas won't let him. What then is the healer's choice? Will he take control and heal his friend, or will he let Legolas have his way?

  • written in the heavens. legolas & Aragorn
    2K 34 1

    Dirty, but romantic and adventerous fanfic of Legolas and Aragorn after the ring was destroyed.

  • Stitches⚣Stony
    156K 7.7K 38

    "Did it hurt?" "When I fell from Heaven?" "When you nearly fucking died, asshole." [Stony] All rights reserved 2016®CockyLilo you steal my story I'll eat your soul *rawr*

  • Soccer Player BoyxBoy Smut
    289K 2.6K 113

    I got these stories from a Tumblr page named so go check both of them out .

  • Oneshots Fußball
    13.7K 558 14

    One Shots über verschiedene Fußballer :) Schreibt mir gerne eure Wünsche egal ob boyxboy oder boyxgirl :D

  • Fußball Oneshots [boyxboy]
    386K 15.1K 149

    Fußball Oneshot❤️ (meistens Pairings, die nicht aus der Bundesliga sind) Started: 5.1.2018 Ended: 24.11.2018 Cover credits gehen an @dreaming_t

    Completed   Mature
  • Fußball One Shots [BoyxBoy]
    367K 13.1K 124

    Eine Ansammlung von vielen kleinen One Shots mit verschiedenen Ideen. Spieler aus jedem Verein, gemischte Pairings und verschiedene Altersempfehlungen. Wünsche werden gerne angenommen, einfach in die Kommentare schreiben. Bundesliga und BBVA Liga. Nur BoyxBoy Slash.

  • Homework (Stony highschool AU)
    230K 11.2K 24

    Tony Stark is basically a dork. Not your typical dork, though. It wouldn't make a good story if he were a typical dork. He has only two real friends, he has a name for himself around the school, and he smokes pot. He tries to not be 'typical'. Tony might be the smartest kid in the school, but he can't get a damn date...

  • The Teacher Ship (Destiel)
    109K 4.9K 20

    Mr Winchester and Mr Novak- both teachers. They both have a thing for each other, but neither of them admit it-nor are they allowed to. But things get interesting when the students start shipping them.

  • Castiel Novak is sleeping with his boss.. | Destiel Office AU
    160K 6.5K 23

    Castiel Novak has been a member of Enochian Industries for two years. He keeps to him self and gets his work done, he has a smart dress sence and owns more sweater vests than the average 27 year old, topping off his looks with a pair of large black rimmed glasses. Hes always on time and does excessive amounts of overt...

  • Murder Mayhem
    112K 5.8K 31

    Dean Winchester spends his hours as the local mechanic, but in his free time he slices and kills. His own brother is working the case to find this killer. Cain is what they call him and Dean relishes in it. His next victim is accountant Castiel Novak, or so he thinks. Dean may not be able to go through with this one...

    Completed   Mature
  • How to Get a Boy to Like You » Scorbus
    71.1K 2.9K 15

    Albus Severus Potter is the star of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. He's incredibly popular and well-liked. Although his grades aren't the very best, he's still a star student amongst the teachers. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is a geeky yet totally adorable Slytherin. He spends his time reading in the common room, or c...

  • King On A Pirate's Isle
    19.8K 885 15

    Ben had expected a lot of things from the island, but finding love hadn't been one of them. What would happen if things had gone a little differently? A BenxHarry story...