Cool Quotes
In here, you'll find some cute, funny, or inspirational quotes to brighten your day. #216 in Non-fiction -> 2016-07-21
In here, you'll find some cute, funny, or inspirational quotes to brighten your day. #216 in Non-fiction -> 2016-07-21
This is stupid and I know different people are doing it, but... I'm just gonna post shit here when I can cuz im lazy to post them on dA. One, because my phone connection sucks and two, because I don't want my friends seeing them just yet. Only on occasion will I ask for requests but... Yeh. Random crap will be put h...
Want your heart destroyed and mauled into pieces for no reason whatsoever? Want your bedroom to be full of soggy tissues and your bed surrounded by buckets of salty tears? Then you came to the right place! I write sad one shots of your favorite pairings and break your heart at the same time! I know, you're welcome. An...
A coming of age story with zombies, in which a girl, teenager, and pregnant woman endure hell on Earth in hope of finding a better life in this epic rewrite made for fans and new readers alike. Orphaned by the horrors of a cruel and grotesque world and still mourning the loss of the people closest to her, a nine year...
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