...a bellarke story...
Bellamy Blake finishes guard training. Clarke Griffin just got arrested. As Bellamy moves up in his guard career he meets Clarke. Clarke is the first prison he has "babysit." But Clarke is no ordinary prisoner. She shows sides of himself he never knew existed. Read for more detail
Bellarke AU; Best Friends Clarke got married young. She had a child young. The abuse started. She never thought she'd find the strength to leave, but she did. She left behind the husband who caused her pain, taking her daughter to the home he forced her to stay away from. She goes home to her best friend, Bellamy Blak...
Bellamy Blake is Hollywood's newest break out star! Countless among countless of fans want to meet him everyday. While Bellamy most of the time enjoys the spotlight, he finds himself getting sick of being recognized everywhere. He feels like disappearing, except when he meets 17-year-old Clarke Griffin. - !caution! t...