VenturianTale's Facts & Quotes
All the facts and quotes I know about VenturianTale will be here . If you like it vote, comment, and share it. Thank you.
All the facts and quotes I know about VenturianTale will be here . If you like it vote, comment, and share it. Thank you.
Aha. Aha. AHAHAHA. Why does this story have 100k views? *WARNING* This is heavily outdated, made this in 5th grade, and one of the most weebiest stories I've ever read. Also take note that these animes are NOT in order and just are animes I liked in 5th grade. If you still decide to read this, good luck. ;) I cringe a...
Hai guys! Gabbie here, this is a anime lyric book for the anime lovers out there! I'm going to put the english version since most people here speak english :P. Anyways better get going and put some songs in here! Bai! P.S A music video for the lyrics is in the Media by the way xP
⇧⇧You know it from the title⇧⇧ Sometimes I would put Not Anime/N.A or Kpop: to tell you its not about Anime. #AQUARIUSFTW Don't take everything seriously guys ^U^
The swakle to my first Percy Jackson Jokes book -_- note: Not all these jokes are mine I just compile dem all for you to read! <3 Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!