The Sixth Liar // Pretty Little Liars Fanfic
Set in the small town of Rosewood, the series follows the life of Cara Fenton, whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis. One year later, she reunites with her friends as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure named "A", who threatens to expose their deepest s...
pretty little liars aria is pregnant
what will aria do when she falls pregnant will anyone help her how will she tell the people that she loves how will they react pls comment vote and follow xxx
EZRIA Baby Story
Aria has graduated from Rosewood High and she is now 23, she lives with much loved boyfriend, Ezra Fitz, they now have a 2 year old daughter called Gabriella. They still live in Ezra's apartment and their life couldn't be more perfect, they're family and friends love Gabby to pieces, the only thing they want is to mov...
pretty little liars hanna is pregnant
hanna marin falls pregnant with caleb rivers child what will she do will she tell him how will he react stay tunned to find out more like follow coment xxselina
Pregnant Pretty Little Liars
This is a story about the four girls from pretty little liars (aria,spencer,Hanna and Emily) getting pregnant and having their babies. I am changing a few things around. Also maya is not dead neither is Mona. Alison is dead. Enjoy :)
Pretty Little Liars: A Spoby Tale
No one ever thought the two would be a couple or stay together but love proves to be forever and forgiving for Spencer and Toby. (Some of this book is similar to the episodes on pretty little liars while other times it isn't).
Pretty Little Liars: Aria is pregnant
For the sake of this fanfic, the girls won't know that Aria is dating Ezra. Ali is back and everything is the same except for the ezra is A thing. So in this story ezra gets Aria pregnant and she has to figure out how to tell the girls and her parents all while dealing with A Please add this to your reading list and...
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Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnant
In this story Emily gets drunk and has a one night stand with a guy she doesn't even know. After returning home she isn't certain they used a condom and she fears she might be pregnant. How will she react when she finds out the news? How will her parents react? What will -A do? Please add this to your reading list an...
Completed Mature