Gangland III
"The finale piece to my story in Schaefer, a true Gangland." - Josh.
"I honestly thought that this would all be over once my cousin got arrested, but the games in Schaefer had JUST begun." -Josh.
"Being a sex therapist ain't all it's cracked up to be. Business is business." - Dr. August.
Madison and her 3 friends plan to attend every concert for the Mindless Behavior tour! Every thing was planned out for millions of fans, until Prodigy gets ill and is forced to undergo multiple surgeries. Without a singer, Princeton, Ray Ray, and Roc are forced to cancel the tour. Madison and her girls, aren't having...
"14th and Schaefer avenue is listed as the Number #1 dangerous city and most filled gang area in the United States. But what happens when you find out that a majority of your family members are the one's in these gangs? Well, my name is Joshua. Only being the age of 18, I know all about the good, the bad, the ugly, an...