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  • Marauders art and randomness
    281K 15.8K 92


  • The Girl Marauder
    10K 440 23

    Life isn't always what it seems, it plays tricks and make sudden turns throwing you off course but you always get back up. This is life for Octavia Eyre, a teenage girl who seems normal to everyone and to most of her friends but once you dig down there is a lot more going on. Did I forget to mentions she is the fifth...

  • Why? Because of Them. *Marauder's Era*
    817K 26.6K 70

    Sapphire was bullied. By who? Ah, The Marauders. The school's famous troublemakers. The rest of the school either don't care or bully her too. What happens when Sapphire starts to fall in love? And, what do her nightmares mean? ***Also written on Quotev***

  • Siriusly, Voldy? *Sequel to Why? Because of Them.*
    79K 3.7K 51

    Sapphire is back with a whole new attitude. Her best friends were killed, her husband is sent to Azkaban, and her "big brother" doesn't believe that there was a traitor in their midst. All she has left is her daughter, Autumn. She can't change anything, but she can admit that...she's scared. ***Also written on Quotev*...

  • Fate of a Missing Marauder
    183K 5.8K 27

    The Marauder Era. Harry Potter Fanfic. Melody Rosalyn Mason. Or Mel, what everybody calls her. A witch with sass, a short temper, and determination. She usually doesn't take anything from anyone. She lives an average life for a witch. Well, not really.....Did I not already mention that she's an orphan? But no matter w...

  • Alive for You (A Marauders Era Love Story)
    87.3K 3K 13

    Ashlyn Cooper is a fifth year girl at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is an outcast and she has a "creepy issue", as her only two friends, Lily and Severus, call it. She can see ghosts, ones that nobody else can see, that even Dumbledore doesn't know about. When she runs into Remus Lupin, her life flip...

  • Who Are You? (Marauder Era)
    27.9K 1K 14

    That's the question on the mind of 3/4th of the Marauders. After being beaten up by a masked girl they think that they won't have to worry about the girl bugging them again and they can tease Severus all they want. But when they see a new prankster has arrived at Hogwarts and they recognize her as the girl in the mask...

  • The Prankster (Marauders Era Harry Potter)
    451K 13.7K 43

    {COMPLETED} "I'm the Prankster. I'm the best of the best, Potter. I always will be." Chrysalis Adams. Beautiful, arrogant, cocky, the Prankster. Sometimes it's nice to let lose, have fun. Chrysalis Adams does that more than the usual human. Chrysalis Adams likes to have fun. Perhaps too much fun. At the age of eleven...

  • Obliviate *Marauders era*
    605K 21K 46

    Lyra was one of the first people to meet the marauders, but what if she can't get them to leave her? What if they make it their job to terrorize her every moment of every day. Everyone has a story, this is how hers began.

  • Damaged Marauders Book 1: The Deaf Marauder
    39.5K 929 32

    This is the story of a girl who is deaf. She had gotten a muggle infection and couldn't hear anything after she turned three. Some say it was her parents fault but no mater what they did this witch was still sick with something muggles and wizards alike couldn't cure. Who does she become friends with but the infamous...

    Completed   Mature
  • Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITING
    231K 5.3K 90

    Join Mackenzie Black as she lives at hogwarts with her brother Sirius and his friends. ****ALL CHARACTERS GO TO J.K ROWLING EXCEPT FOR A FEW I MADE UP**** **UNDER SERIOUS EDITING**

  • The Missing Marauder: A Harry Potter FanFiction
    1.4M 38.2K 28

    Sirius Black told Harry that there were four Marauders. He told Harry that his best friends in school were James, Remus and Peter. He told Harry that there were three unregistered Animagi at the time he was at Hogwarts. He lied. There was another, only one other, who Sirius never mentioned. Perhaps because they had a...

  • When She Spoke (Marauders Era)
    116K 5.4K 34

    Without your voice, who would you be? Lark Riddle knows what it's like to be in love. In her short sixteen years of life, she's come to know all different sorts- false love, hopeful love, desperate love... true love. At times, it's been hard for her- after all, she couldn't speak for ten years. When Lark was six, her...

  • In A Blink (Marauders Era)
    6.4K 394 10

    It's 1976, and the Wizarding World is changing in the blink of an eye. Finally free from silence, Lark Riddle doesn't know what to do with herself. Her older brother, Tom, is breathing down her neck from hundreds of miles away every moment, and she just might snap under the pressure. With a mother who birthed her in...

  • Gunpowder & Cinnamon {Fred Weasley}
    5.9M 348K 103

    Book 2 Everyone knew the story of the Boy Who Lived. But many weren't familiar with the story of the Girl Who Knitted. Eleanor Ross knitted her way to victory, her knitted garments protected those who fought against the Dark Lord and his followers, and to think it all started with a prank. Back in their fifth year of...

  • Rough Waters |Sirius Black
    3.1M 219K 128

    [Book Two] Sequel to Skinny Dipping With a Mermaid. As if losing her father and friends during the Wizarding War didn't weigh heavy enough on the heart of Nixie Dover, to lose the love of her life to imprisonment in Azkaban due to false accusations completely shattered the woman. Turning to the sea for over twel...

  • romeo and juliet | harry potter
    65.7K 4.6K 40

    Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood make civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of... star-crossed lovers take their lives.