The Zodiac Killer
This is just a simple report on the Zodiac killer. I mean how awesome would it be if a student could credit Wattpad for their project? This paper will include theories, facts, evidence, and more.
This is just a simple report on the Zodiac killer. I mean how awesome would it be if a student could credit Wattpad for their project? This paper will include theories, facts, evidence, and more.
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW YOU KILL SOMEONE WITH A BANANA? WELL IN THIS STORY BY FAITHEFAYFAEONDRCAEK, YOU CAN LEARN!!!!! With extras including fun facts, this story will make you laugh. the squeamish probably shouldnt read :)
He grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. "Good! Good! Good!" I heard Director Lee snapping furiously. His face came closer and closer. We were so close that if one of us stuck our lips out just a little bit, we would be kissing. I thought we were done when he suddenly came in, having his lips connect with mine. ~~~~...
Mnohí z nás vedia, že Japonsko je krajina úzko prepojená s duchovnom, mytológiou a vierou v nadprirodzeno. Niektorí Japonci veria, že v okolí hory Fuji sú portály do iného sveta, do dimenzie, ktorá ich privedie do nadpozemských sfér. Nebudeme sa preto diviť, že v okolí Fuji sa nachádza známy „Les samovrahov", kde ročn...
"You will never see me as anything other than a playboy, right?" Started: 12/27/16 Ended: 03/26/17 Highest Rank: #2 in fanfiction (01/04/17) Credits for the cutest ass cover goes to @Jiminfication ❤️
"Hello neighbour!" She drunkenly smile with her eyes half closed. "Get out of my apartment." Was the first thing that Yoongi told her. Credits for the cover goes to @Jiminfication ❤️ Started: June 14, 2017 End: Sept. 25, 2017 Highest rank: #7 in fanfiction (9/23/17)
Smokingy, luxusné róby, hudba, okázalý prepych... Dlho očakávaný večierok dýchajúci eleganciou je v plnom prúde. Lovci klopú na dvere a upíri si musia dať väčší pozor ako kedykoľvek predtým. Stačí jeden zlý krok, malá nepozornosť, sekundové zaváhanie a ich snaha o prímerie sa môže rozplynúť ako prach vo vetre. ...
Jedna noc . Jeden návrh . Jeden spoločný osud? Upozornenie: V príbehu sa vyskytujú vulgarizmy a sexuálne scény.
Third and Final Book in the Fólkvangr End Series Valkyrie, Loki, and all the other Asgardians have been cast out of Asgard by Thanos, who is now in possession of the Infinity Gauntlet. They are scattered across the globe, trying desperately to find their way back to one another, and desperate for a way back to Asgard...
Pre Merrit Collins jedna osudná noc zmenila celý život. Otriasla jej dlhoročnými presvedčeniami a všetko, čomu dovtedy verila a čo poznala, sa po únose záhadným mužom rozpadlo ako domček z karát. Z jej únoscu sa vykľuje nemilosrdný kráľ upírov, ktorého túžba po pomste sa nezastaví pred ničím. Merrit sa tak stáva súča...
Jongsuk never thought that his end will come so soon. Yet he had nothing to lose at first until he met a girl that made him want to live. Will there love last forever? or will it just perished? ⚜️25/06/16⚜️
Tom and Charlotte have only ever been friends. Really good friends. They lead totally different lives-he's a jet setting actor and she's a no nonsense, flour covered baker. When Tom finds out his fiancé is cheating, he faces an uncertain future. And when Charlie has to return to her hometown to save her business, she...
Sequel to Recompense After disappearing to find adventure, Valkyrie and Loki are kidnapped and brought back to Asgard. They must deal with the changing politics of Asgard, find a way to give the people a voice, and take care of one another. Valkyrie and Loki take risks to preserve Asgard and those they love, but in t...
A looming darkness has gathered, and the storm is headed for Asgard. Thor needs help, and more than that, he needs the girl raised on Earth. The Earth girl, and his imprisoned brother. Valkyrie Sutton is of Earth. Or Midgard. Or whatever. When Thor, God of Thunder, appears to take her to Asgard without much explanati...
After her husband's death, Edith gets back to Buffalo with Allan, but her life will never be the same. What secrets will be revealed? Will she stand living without Thomas or the past will haunt her forever?
Tohle není příběh! Už několikrát jsem na Wattpadu našla "příběhy" kde byli jen obrázky. Nijak to neodsuzuji, naopak, pokud se trefí do mého vkusu, tak si to ráda hodím do knihovny. A tak mě napadlo, že bych mohla udělat něco podobného o mém oblíbeném herci. Takže, here we go! Ps: snad to není proti pravidlům a nebude...
What if Thomas lived? What other challenges will they had to face to be finally together? Slow updates.
Jste závislý na seriálech? Obklopují vás lidé kteří nechápou vaši závislost? Tady je pár problémů i radostí, které určitě znáte. Mrkněte se i na 'Problémy Hudboholiků, Introvertů a Podzimoholiků' :) cover • by • me
Jste introverti? Obklopují vás lidé, kteří nechápou vaší antisociálnost? Tady je pár problémů, které určitě znáte. Mrkněte taky na ostatní díly ze série PROBLÉMY na mém profilu :) cover • by • me
Sleduješ seriál Doctor Who? Jsi fanouškem tohoto seriálu? A všiml sis ,že tento seriál na tobě nechává podivné následky? Že ne? Čti dál a určitě se v něčem najdeš :D Prostě 100 Vedlejších Příznaků Sledování Seriálu Doctor Who♥ •Každý den nová část•
Depresia, pocit, že chceš zomrieť, že už sa neoplatí žiť... Nevadí..všetko je tu..všetko čo vyjadrí ako sa cítiš, všetko pochopíš ak takto trpíš....
A collection of texts/conversations between the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his blogger, John Watson. Blog posts by John may also be included in this compilation. *Art is not mine*
All those quotes that clutched our hearts and drove us mad, basically, made a lot of us want to kill Steven Moffat yet worship for being so amazing ;) Here's Sherlockology. Enjoy :D - Saph x
Basic introduction into the world of deduction. I learnt this myself, so I thought I'd share it with people. I wrote this myself, so sorry if it's kind of unclear. Instagram: obsessedwithsherls Tumblr URL: fandom-mental
Tahle malá sbírka mě napadla po asi miliontém shlédnutí všech dílů Sherlocka. Je to takový malý dárek k 1. září, nový školní rok, nové příběhy a možnosti. A vím, že všemožných ,,problému" je na Wattu spousta, ale mě prostě baví to číst a porovnávat co na mě sedí a co ne. A navíc tyhle jsem ještě nepotkala. **********...
these are some things that you would do if you are a hardcore sherlock fan. like seriously, hardcore. slow updates,,, i'm taking requests, if anyone wants to go ahead and PM me or comment on a chapter. that would be cool. preferably dm, as i don't get on this acc much and i don't usually see the comments, thanks :)) a...
Kruhová Galifreyština, písmo Pánů Času, nejmocnější rasi ve vesmíru. Zde se můžete podívat na Slova, Jména a věty, v jejich nádherném jazyce. Zajímá tě více? Rozhodně zkoukni Kecy Fangril, kde se podíváme na Doktora pod lupou!