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  • Revenge Of The Fat Wallflower|✓
    301K 13.1K 36

    (Editing) His eyes widen and his lips part in pain as he stares wordlessly at me and then at the large blotch that forms around his chest . He clutches it as he coughs in pain. I didn't get to push him into a sewer, but this feels so much better. I sardonically chuckle to myself before leaning in to whisper into hi...

  • Unmasked | Book 1 in "Dark Descendants" (Editing)
    25.5K 1.6K 45

    The clock reflected into my eyes, ticking away. 12:00.a.m Somewhere outside, church bells started ringing. Loud booming cracks sounded, fireworks exploded in the sky to celebrate new year. There was one small window just above the ground that refracted the bursts of color in the dark night sky through the gla...

  • Right Here [Regular Updates]
    3.2K 920 34

    Shreya's last hope for a peaceful life is marriage and moving out of the toxic environment of her family home. Lakshya hopes his girlfriend is ready for marriage, but isn't. In a marriage between these two, will they ever see eye to eye? What's more, Shreya falls in love with Lakshya at first sight, and her heart does...

  • When It Reigns (Cursed Reigns, #1)
    41.9K 2.8K 59

    When the Ravos Kingdom abducts the Nyrial Emperor's dragon, princess Aeryn Glastos must marry the demon prince planning her assassination to save her empire and end the war while guarding her heart and a dangerous secret. ------------ The...

  • A Reign of Wrath (Cursed Reigns, #2)
    1.3K 122 3

    When the Ravos Kingdom invades the Nyrial Empire, Prince Shade Cross must produce the antidote to save his species and lead the two warring nations to peace while battling his own demons and his touch of death. ------------------- The Ravos Phoenixians have...