Obrázky, videa a fakta ze Supernatural fandomu. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica
Obrázky, videa a fakta ze Supernatural fandomu. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica
Co se stane, když zjistíte, že váš fandom a co hůže vaše OTP je reálné. Že vše je skutečnost? Nebo hůře.. že se stal French Mistake, ale naopak... To ty jsi se teleportovala do Supernatural..MUHAHAHA.... tuhle povídku si vychutnám!
"Čo je to?" usmial sa Dean. „Prečo to neotvoríš?" zasmial sa Cas a zatváril sa ako najväčšia neviniatko. „Fajn, ale dúfam, že to nie je trik, aby som si najprv myslel, že je to niečo úžasné a nakoniec sa z toho vykľuje kniha" povedal Dean počas toho, ako to otváral. Castiel sa opäť zasmial a Dean si znovu uvedomil, ak...
Poviedka k seriálu Supernatural. Skylar Moonlightová nikdy nebola ako iné dievčatá. Cítila sa akoby sem nepatrila. Nerozumela si s ľudmi a najradšej trávila čas sama. Jedného dňa ide na stretnutie so starým kamarátom zo strednej Samom Winchestrom zaspomínať si na staré časy a tento večer navždy zmení jej život. Spozn...
Dean Winchester nevie kto je. V jeho posteli spí anjel- padlý anjel- a je zločincom. Vo vedľajšej izbe leží jeho mladší brat a je hrdinom. No on má pocit, že nie je ani jedno a zároveň oboje. On je proste Dean. Chlapec ktorý bol potrestaný, aby sa stal hrdinom. [•••] ❝Nechal si ma tam samého. Neviním ťa, viním tých...
Castiel knew Dean would do anything for his club, the club was like his family. He never asked about the things Dean got up to as he thought he would be better off not knowing. However the more Dean tells him, the more aspects of Castiel's old, secret life begin to prop up out of the blue uninvited.
When Castiel Novak catches his boyfriend with another guy, he turns to his long-time best friend, Dean Winchester. Dean is straight, or at least he thinks he is until he sleeps in Cas' bed to comfort him. Feelings develop. Confession confession. Smooch smooch. Bang bang. You know how it is. (This is complete)
Castiel James Novak is a good man. Not because he was a priest and told people about the word of God and also because he lived by the Bible. He was a good man because he just was. He was kind, he was generous, he held his heart in his hands and he never turned anybody away. All Castiel wanted that night was for God to...
A lollipop. Every day for the past three weeks Sam had received a lollipop with a sweet note attached. Finally he finds out the lollipops are from the schools trickster, but can that stop him from developing a crush?
Castiel Novak is the new student and has no idea who to talk to. Then the most popular guy, Dean Winchester talks to him, with something Castiel never expected to be told before. Gabriel Novak helps Sam with a bully when they first meet and they've been inseparable since. Of course Sam tries pushing him away but he ju...
Překlad této naprosto dokonalé povídky: Mimo jiné bych chtěla vzdát velké díky Seznam překladači a Google translatoru, protože bez nich bych to nedala ani omylem.
Dean se snaží spasit všechny ostatní, jen ne sebe. Má štěstí, že má někoho, kdo to dělá za něj. A ten přijde i v jeho nejtěžší chvilce, aby mu dodal sílu k tomu, co mu osud připravil. Možná, jenom možná přitom společně najdou něco, co ani netušili, že tam bylo. Volné pokračování Deanovy srdceryvné scény z 5x14 (My Blo...
I anděl má své skryté touhy, které potřebují jisté uspokojení.
Destiel poviedky zo školského prostredia kde je Dean profesorom geografie a telocviku a Cas teologie a filozofie. Plus majú spoločný kabinet a slabosť jeden pre druhého(ako inak;)
Jak by mohla vypadat smlouva mezi křižovatkovým démonem a slavným lovcem Deanem Winchesterem, když jejich anděl padne? Krátký příběh o lásce, lovení, smrti a důvěře.
Dean Winchester is a famous YouTube star. Castiel is a history teacher at the local high school. Many of Cas' students fawn over Dean, or as they know him, Dean Zepplin. But none of them know their own teacher is married to the celebrity they are all madly in love with. Although tough times will come, but they will pu...
The little lamb panted looking up towards the wolf which towered over him with tearful eyes "A-Alpha please touch me." "Shh little lamb I've got you." - Wolf!Dean & Lamb!Castiel
In this au Dean and Castiel are portrayed as the comic book characters The Joker and Harley Quinn! The full summary is in the prologue! Enjoy!
Dean's phone has decided to stop working. He debates on whether he wants to make the trip down to a store to get it looked at or whether to just call in to his carrier and hope their tech support could fix the problem remotely. He had called in a few times over the years, getting a different rep every time, but when a...
Castiel je knihovníkom, ktorý dobre zvládla stresové situácie a ťažko ho vyviesť z miery. Vie presne čo chce v živote robiť a už si vopred naplánoval každý krok. To čo si však nenaplánoval bol Dean Winchester a jeho nezbedný úškrn. Svojou motorkou prešiel všetky Castielove predstavy o tom čo naozaj chce a teraz prišla...
Soubor pokusů o jednorázovky na pár Destiel z Supernatural. Hlavně fluff a AU. ~
(Cover art is not mine) Castiel Novak is the school punk, every girls crush, and known badboy. Everything about him screams danger, from his habit of jumping onto moving trains to his smoking habit. A master of speed running over buildings and breaking hearts. Little does he know that there's a sweet nerd out there wh...
This story will be written by myself and @Tori_Castellanos The Socials, otherwise known as the Soc's and the Greasers came from two completely differently worlds. While the Soc's lived on the rich west side of town and were known as 'white trash with Mustangs and Madras Shirts', the Greasers lived in the east. A poore...
I saw this fan art on Google image. I don't know who made it, but if you do please comment so I can give credit. WARNING! I HAVE NEVER DONE FLUFF! I'M MORE OF AN ANGST SORTA GIRL. SO THIS COULD BE AMAZING OR SHIT.
Once there was a small town named Seabrook Coast. The small town sat on the edge of a large sea that held the most beautiful but deadly creatures. Shrieking Eels. The sound they made was so human like then years before when the town was first made, people used to swim out into the ocean to try and save the person who...