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  • Promo Paket Penerbitan Penerbit Tiga
    4.9K 89 5

    Paket Penerbitan Penerbit Tiga

    7K 211 2

    Erotic Romance sedang banyak digemari sekarang ini. Ingin tahu sekilas tentang genre ini berikut tips-tips praktis menulis genre ini? Yuk disimak!

  • Sugar Books Service
    11.7K 410 7

    Kami di sini menuliskan beberapa informasi mengenai jasa percetakan kami. Jika belum jelas, kakak-kakak semuanya dapat menghubungi whatsapp yang tertera pada akun ini.

  • How to get to #1 on Wattpad - Hints and Tips
    324K 31K 12

    I managed to get to #1 on Wattpad for Fantasy as well as Adventure in a month and a half. After four months, I had 1 Million reads and a year later I had 5 million. I worked really hard and have been very lucky, but I'm sure that following these simple rules helped a lot!

  • Siapakah Kami? Airiz PUBLISHING
    14.9K 719 7

    Info tentang Airiz Publishing dan cara lengkap pemesanan buku. Terkadang memuat info Giveaway serta event lainnya!!!

  • KIRIM NASKAH - JAE Publisher
    6.5K 332 3

    Berisi syarat, ketentuan, dan segala informasi mengenai penerbitan di JAE Publisher baik gratis maupun terbit berbayar. Contact: Email: IG: jaepublisher WA: 085816209127

    5.8K 482 2

    Menulis, bagi pemula, tidak selamanya mudah. Malah lebih sering tersesat dan ketemu jalan buntu, daripada lancar sampai akhir. Dalam SERBA-SERBI MENULIS NOVEL, kita akan diperkenalkan dengan elemen-elemen penting dalam novel, sesuai dengan urutan prioritasnya. Harapannya, dapat membantu menguraikan "kekusutan" sehingg...

  • Kirim Naskah ke Queency Publisher
    5.5K 289 2

    Buat semua penulis wattpad bisa mengirimkan naskahnya ke Queency Publisher. Dan bagi naskah yang memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan kami akan diterbitkan secara gratis tanpa dipungut biaya apapun. Juga Penulis akan mendapatkan royalti dan novel karya-nya. Dan juga bisa terbit selfpublish untuk yang ingin cetak novel tanpa...

  • How to Write Fiction
    283K 15K 23

    The advice you will find here follows the Chicago Manual of Style which is widely used by American publishers. There are some variances in style from country to country (and even from American publisher to American publisher.) **It may be easier to search the Table of Contents, as there is no rhyme or reason right no...

  • The Writer's Resource - A Compilation of Helpful Writing Guides
    73K 2.4K 11

    The Writer's Resource includes guides, lists, and how to's for just about everything! Need a name for your character? Do you need some help on how to write, say, your southern character? The Writer's Resource has everything you need, and if it doesn't simply comment and we will compose something to your liking. ~A so...

  • How I Started Writing
    44.1K 1.7K 1

    Dan Brown shares with Wattpad users what influenced and inspired him as writer from a young age through to his professional career today.