Paw Patrol: Life After sequel
The pups grew up and they separated until a Paw Patrol Reunion invitation is delivered in their mail
The pups grew up and they separated until a Paw Patrol Reunion invitation is delivered in their mail
A year after the events in Paw Patrol Fanfic, there is a new threat to the paw patrol. The girls of the paw patrol start to go missing. No body knows where or who this pup/kidnapper is or why they just want the ladies but they all know one thing. Coming home is worth any price.
Ryder is Adventure Bay Elementary's biggest social out cast. Katie is the most popular girl at school. When a tornado rips through Adventure Bay, Katie finds out who's really loyal while Ryder is put on with the challenge of raising a pup… or 2.
When all the pups retired and Ryder hired new ones they go there separate ways and so on. Skye and Zuma are married, Rocky and Marshall are married, Rubble and Everest are married and Chase still works with Ryder and his New pups
Skye,Zuma,Marahall, and Everest likes chase. What will they do to clam chase as theirs. The question is who do chase like.
Marshal had a iPhone 4 for years now, and it was all cracked on the screen that he was annoyed buy, So then he decides to buy a new iPhone 6+ for his birthday gift.
Something's hunting Everest's mind, something very deep on her, but on the way to find answers, she will find more than she thought, letting her know that she is not alone. If you like Drama/Suspense & Friendship/Adventure, then this is a story for you . Main Characters: Marshall & Everest, Chase And Ryder! Enjoy! ^^
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Marshall is turned down by Chase and broken. Now he has a vacancy in his heart. He meets a new pup and they seem to have a lot in common. When Chase becomes jealous knowing the Dalmatian has found someone new that makes him happy, he begins to spy on the two and mettle. In Chase's mind he doesn't have feelings for Mar...