Suicide quotes
Suicide quotes
These are some of my favorite quotes and poems. Some of them are written by me but not all of them. If you suffer from SH, depression, suicidal thoughts, ED's or ANYTHING else I will always be there for you.
Emily tried to kill her self, but failed. She now has to spend time in the looney place for three days. She isn't very happy about it, but hey, it's her fault right? All she wants is out of this 'hellhole.' And soon.
Her mother is embarrassed of her. Her father doesn't care about her. The rest of her family thinks she's a bad influence on the little ones. Society thinks she's a freak. She gets bullied at school for what she wears and listening to the wrong kind of music. Out of all this her best friend still thinks she's perfect...
Hey guys this will have depression quotes please don't read if you are easily triggered Started: May 14, 2016 Completed: June 1, 2018
My theory on Depression, I know what it's about I've been living with it for awhile and I would like to share my point of view on depression. If anyone is struggling with depression, self harm, sducidal thoughts, ect.... My ears are open inbox me at any time and I will listen to what you have to say because you are...