Pasiklydusi Tamsoje
Tėveli, ar patikėtum jeigu pasakyčiau, kad mačiau vaiduoklį?
Cotard's syndrome is a delusion where a person thinks he or she is dead; figuratively or literally. Kai Chariot was stuck with this syndrome ever since he hit his teen years, it wasn't until he met Dakota Breit, the girl who dealt with depression; that he suddenly started to feel different. The two take on a great dea...
A place of superstitions A place of curses A girl who was forced to sacrifice her life for the welfare of the village and was widowed against her will. Widowed? Or Married? Ella Rosemane was satisfied with what little she and her family had. But one incongruous incident shatters everything she had and kills the spirit...
For the love of darkness and poetry. Gothic Poem & Love Poem Note from Author: These poems aren't edited just random thoughts about my darkness and love. In they future, they will be revised and extended hope you guys enjoy.
Well, this Poem is about a "Soul" narrating its death ceremony and its journey to the after life.
Short stories that are somewhat scary. Some are creepy. Some are funny. Some aren't believable. But almost all will give you chills.
Čia rasite trumpas siaubo istorijas, kurios nemanau, kad kažkam patiks, bet noriu savo kvaila kūryba pasidalint su jumis.
1st. Book in my "Creepy Poems" series. I hope you enjoy it ☠ I do read all comments, and appreciate knowing which ones are your favorites
The horror stories in this book are either my own experiences, stories I've created, or YOUR own experiences! Please note that I don't intend to copy any other horror stories by anyone else! Please enjoy!
give me a few moments of your time so that i can dress you up in poetry give me your eyes, see the world through mine i beg you to be gentle, please have empathy this is your world, on the floor, by the bed like laundry, pick me up and use me. skinny dipping in a glacial stream don't stay too long, take some time...
Jules is quite familiar with the members of Type O Negative, having met them and becoming quite close to them 16 years ago. She's become particularly close to Peter, and has been a major influence in his life. After all this, one might guess she knows almost everything about him, and she does. Except for one thing, af...
Tai hello visiem.Čia aš tiesiog rašysiu apie tai kaip mano nuomone nusivažiavo wattpadas.Žinau, kad tokių istorijų yra gana daug bet čia stengsiuosi nerašyt taip pačiai ir kartais galbūt jei rasiu nesamoningą istoriją tai būtinai ją čia pakomentuosiu.Tikiuosi jums patiks!
" If you change the past, you do not change the future... You erase it & create a wholly new one instead. " 🥀 [ featuring Per "Dead" Ohlin of the old Mayhem ] ! Trigger Warnings: suicide related themes, depression, mentioning of self-harm.
A story where members of one of the most notorious genres of metal take on the steep hills of being associated with this genre: Black Metal. Step in the shoes of the drummer Uldren who will be our main character.
Įsėdus į traukinį Kleo norėjo nuvažiuoti į Londoną. Po nuobodžios valandos traukinys sustojo, žmonės, patikrinę traukinio priekį, pamatė, jog dingo vairuotojas. Priėję prie durų suprato, jog jos yra užrakintos. Už kelių valandų nemalonumai ir vėl tęsėsi - dingo vienas keleivis... Ar jie išliks sveiki? O gal tai tik sa...
Tai siaubo kūrinys, kuris gali pakeisti Jūsų gyvenimą.... Pasakojama apie namą, kuriame mirė baltoji moteris (dar kita istorija), ji vaidenosi su visa savo šeima.... Per daugelį metų namą aplankė daug šeimų.... Kūrinyje sudėta daug negirdėtų siaubo istorijų. Šiurpu...