I'm back, to fix and enjoy living my life.
The Mistress of Death is back.
Lyra Black is the daughter of Sirius Black. She's been through a lot throughout her seventeen years of life. As soon as she turned seventeen, she ran away from her old life and went straight to the States. She hoped to have a new life, away from all things to do with the Wizarding World, other than her magic and money...
I didn't have a reason to be here. I tried to end it all. I was gonna say goodbye to this world but, you gave me a purpose and it was your existence. WARNING: this story contains sensitive topics like depression, anxiety, self harm etc.
15 ročná Mia nedávno nastúpila na strednú školu. Nikto sa s ňou nebaví, pretože ju všetci považujú za čudáčku. Väčšinu času trávi sama. No Mia je veľmi citlivé dievča a skrýva veľa tajomstiev, ktoré si necháva pre seba. Podarí sa o rok staršiemu a arogantnému chalanovi menom Tom prelomiť medzi nimi ľady a zistiť jej t...