tutorials station
maybe this is the one that can help you out with your graphic struggles! Picsart & Photoshop Tutorials
maybe this is the one that can help you out with your graphic struggles! Picsart & Photoshop Tutorials
Extra, extra, read all about it! Have you heard? I'm giving out writing tips. Whether or not you actually pick up some writing tips is up to you. Hold on. Please don't run away screaming yet. I promise I'll be nice. Cover by @southofparadise
Tips and tricks for writing young adult by Wattpad's finest.
All you need to know about writing best-selling teen fiction. I may or may not be sarcastic.
As the title states, this is your tutorial, created by me, to writing a story to the very best of your abilities. By carefully reading through the following pages, you can enhance your skills and clear your path to becoming the great author that you wish to be, uncovering your potential each step of the way. For tips...
A quick and easy guide outlining my novel writing process. If you'd rather watch a video about this and other writing tips, please visit my website www.EdwardMullen.com or my YouTube channel.
A guide/rant from a picky reader/writer on how to write better teen fiction and other genres of the like. [ current cover by fluffypiggles ]
Wattpad. That is the site that we're on right now. The one you're reading this description on. This book is filled with things that couldn't be made into whole books. Like how to make really cool covers, or write funny bios, how to make conversation with people on PM, how to find the really good books. This is how t...
Science Fiction is that genre that is full of mystifying, magical, sometimes terrifying stories. It allows you to enter a new world, one which is almost unrecognizable to the one you live in. We all know which books have encaptured our imagination but how can you, as a writer, deliver the same standard of SciFi writi...
Cliffhangers? Plot twists? Complex characters? Back stories? Bad guys? Chilling scenes? Mystery and Thriller, home to some of the most interesting, intriguing books you will ever read. There are turns round every corner, suprises at every bend and most of the time you are left with literal goosebumps. But writing Myst...