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  • A radírgumik titkos élete
    9.8K 1.2K 34

    Ha még nem láttál radírokról szóló könyvet, de nagy lázban égsz, sőt, már életcéloddá vált hogy egy ilyet elolvass: ITT A LEHETŐSÉG:D

  • Anime idèzetek
    28.2K 1.2K 9

    Anime idèzetek ❤

  • Fine [Legolas Fanfiction]
    25.8K 1.7K 16

    Lina egyre gyorsabban lépkedett, futni kezdett, szaladt amennyire tudott. Hallotta, hogy nincs messze a tünde, ezért még gyorsabban szedte lábait. Ekkor hirtelen megcsúszott a lába a vizes füvön és elesett. Az ismeretlen megállt mellette, és karját nyújtotta. - Nincs szükségem a segítségedre. - motyogta Lina.

  • Me, myself and my crazy things.
    453 29 18

    A szemeteskukám. Minden ami nem való egy könyvbe.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Transient (third book in the Timeless series)
    19.5K 924 31

    Zelda and Link have been through so much together, and the troubles never seem to end. Now with a child, They have one more thing to worry about. At least their enemies have retreated. Right? Now, with the fate of Hyrule balancing on their shoulders, they must do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe, especially the...

  • The Boy (across the classroom)
    76.2K 4.6K 40

    In my classroom... there was this particular boy.

  • Identical lovers
    4.8K 204 3

    Ryota and umi were children of the presidents of famous hotels. When they were 16 they were forced to have a arranged marriage. But they knew nothing about each other at all. Ryota had to move and attend umis high school to meet her. They were in the same class. At first glance they knew that they wouldnt get along. W...

  • Childhood friends (sequel)
    41.2K 2K 43

    Sequel to childhood friends (read childhood friends before reading this)

  • Time Limit
    1.3K 105 7

    Mai is a princess who has an incurable disease, giving her a limited time to live, which persuades her father to give her a marriage partner. However her marriage partner (shuu) is very protective and beats her every day, making her illness worse. Takeo is her only friend and is her only place of happiness, when shuu...