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  • RANTS: Roleplays, the Good, the Bad, and the Weird.
    17.8K 1.6K 90

    Ah role play.... one of the least productive ways to pass the time... however every role play has its problems... so here they are, well at least here some are... a few....maybe.... The Good, the Bad, and the weird, rants, stories and encounters with mary sues... note: this a highly satirical conglomeration of sarcasm...

  • In 27 Days (Watty Award Winner 2012)
    50.1M 2M 38

    Hadley Jamison doesn't know what to think when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, committed suicide. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him. So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a r...
