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  • (REWRITING) Life After Death A Star Wars Story
    3.1K 115 12

    This is what happens after Scarif. What Jyn & Cassian'a life is like after they survive the Death Star blast. Will they fall in love? Or will they just stay friends? How does almost dying affect them? As high ranking rebels they are to go on many missions and meet new friends throughout time like Leia Organa, Luke Sk...

  • Rogue One- Alternate Ending
    6.4K 169 22

    Jyn and Cassian, being the only survivors of the Rogue One team, have made it back to Yavin 4 where they hear of the Rebels relocation to Hoth. Desperate to rejoin the cause the lost so much in the name of, the two must travel across the galaxy in order to help their friends however the Empire has a price on their he...

  • HOPE ➵ RebelCaptain/Jassian Graphics
    11.4K 1.7K 71

    ❝ Jyn, ι'll alwayѕ вe тнere ғor yoυ. caѕѕιan ѕaιd ι нad тo. ❞ ⠀⠀H O P E | Capsassian | ©2017 ❝ Are you With Me? ❞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ Always. ❞ You're daily dose of Jassian/Jyn and Cassian/ Edits that are shown are made by me, comment suggestions on what type of edits/text I should put on it. Sometimes I'll throw in some T...

  • Always ➵ Jyn Erso & Cassian Andor
    8.8K 494 18

    alternated ending of Rouge One ➵ What if Jyn and Cassian survived? It's not a everyday thing when you reach your consciousness up from a disaster, which was caused by the Death Star, a indestructible and deadly weapon. Waking up on Rebellion territory Jyn and Cassian question on what the Rebellion are hiding and why...

  • The High School Rouges and the New Girl (Modern Rouge One)
    1.6K 92 10

    Cassian, K-2SO, Bodhi, Baze, and Chirrut are a group of friends from middle school. They are just starting their junior year with 1 major rule: No girls allowed, no unnecessary drama. That rule was broken on the first day of school. All thanks to Jyn, a strong, crazy, and fun loving girl. Follow this group of friends...

  • The Knight • Jassian AU {ON HOLD}
    1.8K 161 5

    Jyn was always one to get into trouble. Maybe that's why she often finds herself in the royal dungeons of the Empire chained up to a molding wall. But what she didn't expect was a fiercely loyal and stubborn knight to come dashing into her chamber claiming that she's the only hope in ridding the war torn kingdom of ev...