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  • Gemini
    816 57 7

    O relaţie frãţeascã specialã ce atunci când e descoperitã lucrurile se complicã într-un mod neaşteptat, o luptã ia naştere între cei doi gemeni. Personalitãţile lor complet diferite cauzeazã tensiuni, în timp ce fiecare s-ar completa având în mod egal ce are celãlalt, însã nimic nu pare a urma o cale bunã în aflarea a...

  • Power of History's Past
    1.4K 92 23

    Hello listeners, please this is of utmost importance. Your world is but an illusion. I can't say much but all is revealed in our recordings that this young man has typed out. Please read. You have no idea what hides behind the veal of time and space.

  • The Goth and His Psycho.
    253K 10.3K 29

    Alex Brady had been a normal kid when he'd fallen for Bree Treven. It was a cute little romance between two innocent children. But four years later, Bree is far from innocent. After years of abuse and rape committed by her family, little Bree finally snapped. Bree was thrown into Crickly, a place that turns you crazy...

  • Calatoria unui scutier
    821 38 4

    Aceasta este povestea aventurilor unui scutier traite de acesta pe parcursul calatoriei sale spre titul de cavaler^^