Lams Drabbles II
Guess who's back, back with even shittier drabbles. (John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
Guess who's back, back with even shittier drabbles. (John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
Alexander Hamilton has recently been accepted into King's College, and he's scared. He's never had friends growing up, and has too much to say at once. But will his overly energetic room mate change his views of the future ahead of him?
"Are you ready for this? Do you have everything? Do you need any food before I drop you off?" Washington was treating Alex like a child, which made him slightly annoyed but happy at the same time. "I ate before we left remember? And yes I have everything and I am so ready!!" Alex exclaimed, turning towards Washington...
To: ALEX From: JOHN Can I come over? To: JOHN From: ALEX I'm sick To: ALEX From: JOHN I'll be there in 20 minutes. (Based off a post from hamiltonstexts on instagram)