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  • Lock and key
    9.8K 288 27

    When Collins reveals a shocking secret to his brother and best friend Devan, they are positive they will be able to keep it a secret. But what they didn't know, was that the very things they weren't aware of, just might be what causes them to be torn apart. Will they ever be able to be as close as they were or will th...

  • Demons ━ Bucky Barnes [1]
    1.6M 40K 30

    ❝Warrior child, you carry such coldness in your veins. War-torn child, you carry such loneliness in your bones. War-born child, you carry such horror in your heart. Warrior child, you were born with legends breathing inside your name and history books waiting to trace your footsteps.❞ ─ j.p. via tumblr pencap COP...

  • The Boy with Words for Skin
    452K 20.4K 33

    Samuel Brandt woke up with his thoughts written all over his body. His brother woke up with his head missing. His sister woke up to find that her skin would crack open unless she stayed in water. All of the other children in the secluded Iowa town of Oak Knoll woke up having undergone strange transformations. Now, the...

  • sparkle | vernon
    50.5K 1.5K 19

    opposites attract? indeed. - © mara v. denis all rights reserved.
