Bio 3 (Complete)
This is my 3rd bio I thought I finished at my nephew's first day Well this one is going to be as boring as the others Sorry my life is boring and so is what I have to say But yea .. no one will read it anyways so it's all good
This is my 3rd bio I thought I finished at my nephew's first day Well this one is going to be as boring as the others Sorry my life is boring and so is what I have to say But yea .. no one will read it anyways so it's all good
This is my second bio , it will probably be boring too but I need to get it out so read or don't up to you lot :p , I'm finished with this bio
Hi everyone this book is just about me , my thoughts , what i'm up to , about my books and everything else that is random and weird . I hope it's not to boring and i'm not using myself as the book because i hate the way i look ... i'm very ugly .
This is my bio from 2017 I'm deleting my old one because it had things in there which I am embarrassed about. But new bio new year !!