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  • DISCOVERY *very short*
    142 21 4

    Hey guys, my friend told me to publish this. It's a really short sort of horror story, I wrote it for an English assessment a few weeks back now and i hope you all enjoy. Never go into the woods alone... you never know what or even who you are going to find.

  • Discovery
    1.4K 57 4

    AU. During a battle, Robin is injured. Most of the team has been taken down, leaving the bird to the mercy of Bane. Before being crushed, Robin was miraculously saved by a certain mercenary with a two-toned mask. A comment from Bane makes the Team question everything they knew about their brother and what this could m...

  • Everyone Has A Voice - anti bullying short story
    268 8 1

    An anti bullying short story, written when I was twelve.

  • Poems for Good Measure
    1M 171K 174

    Poems for Good Measure