Summer Off
The sixth in a series of stories about my experiences as a classroom teacher. A school classroom is a hub of human activity. Shutting it down is never as easy as most people would have you believe.
The fourth in a series of stories about my experiences in an elementary classroom during my 20+ year career. "Cheers" is the story of a mother of one of my pupils who fell in love with me and became my stalker. Sad and disturbing tale of mental illness, loneliness and loss.
It All Begins With Love
This is the third in a series of "Teacher Stories" based on my 23 year career as a professional educator. This particular story revolves around how Fatherhood has made me a better teacher and how Love helps make children into better readers. Hope you like it. Feel free to leave a comment about the content or style...
My "Hana's Suitcase" Story
"Hana's Suitcase" is the award-winning book by author, Karen Levine. It chronicles the story of the Brady Family who were caught up in the Holocaust during WWII and with, Fumiko, a Japanese teacher who discovers a Holocauts-era suitcase with the name, Hanna" on it in the 1990s and begins a quest to uncover exactly wh...
My Best Teacher Gift Ever!!!
The first in a collection of stories based upon my experiences as an elementary school teacher in Ontario, Canada. This story involves some of the funny things kids manage to say with a straight face!
Corndog Angel
Inspired by true events. In a night of revelry, three men decide to pass out a pile of corndogs to people on the street.
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Manifesto for Banned Books Week. Write your own in Wattpad's Banned Book Week Contest! details on the Contest Page