Herban Poetry
A small but ever-growing collection of original poetry from the mind of a 19 year old pothead. This is home to a large range of thoughts, feelings, and ideas that cloud my head in poetry form.
A small but ever-growing collection of original poetry from the mind of a 19 year old pothead. This is home to a large range of thoughts, feelings, and ideas that cloud my head in poetry form.
[Antologi Puisi] mengertilah bahwa tak akan ada kata usai dalam kamusku walau titik sudah kaulukiskan tapi komaku akan terus berusaha membendung sakitmu sebab bagiku melupa adalah fana
Kertas, Pena, & juga Rindu. Mana yang harus kutumpahkan lebih dulu? Tinta atau air mata.
Kalau Tuhan memberiku kesempatan dilahirkan sekali lagi, maka aku ingin jadi puisi. Yang meski itu dari orang sepertiku pun kau tetap menyukainya. ©2016
Seseorang pernah bertanya padaku, apakah mengikhlaskanmu semudah itu? aku menjawab, mengikhlaskanmu butuh waktu yang panjang, hal itu sudah bermula dari awal aku menemukan diriku tumbuh di atas kata-katamu dan kamu tumbuh di atas kata-kataku. Highest rank #100 in Poetry (9/12/17)
There is a small thread between truth and lies, between love and hate and between you and I. However, the thread can easily be broken; that's when life begins. I'm school, you read. You've spend hours reading 1,000 year old poems and studying authors that died years ago, but perhaps - just maybe; it's not about learni...
This book is a various variety of poems that I wrote when I was between the ages of 11-15. It was when I first began enjoying and loving the wonderful world of poetry. Hope you all enjoy them. -Poet_Megan_Rose