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  • Making a Not so Perfect Home - Destiel
    134 17 2

    Dean Winchester was a stupid kid. a weekend fling with a woman named Lydia, led to him becoming the father to his daughter, Emma, as 18. A couple years later his girlfriend Lisa became pregnant with his son Ben. Now juggling being a single father of 2, with partial custody, a full time job for his uncle, a disapprovi...

  • Castiel Novak is sleeping with his boss.. | Destiel Office AU
    160K 6.5K 23

    Castiel Novak has been a member of Enochian Industries for two years. He keeps to him self and gets his work done, he has a smart dress sence and owns more sweater vests than the average 27 year old, topping off his looks with a pair of large black rimmed glasses. Hes always on time and does excessive amounts of overt...

  • Feathers || Destiel High School AU
    424K 20K 36

    Just like every other story Dean Winchester is the school heart throb. Popular, beautiful and confident. And also just like every other story Castiel Novak is the nerdy boy in school with no social skills and an eccentric personality. However this story has a twist. After a party that Castiel's brother throws things s...

    Completed   Mature
  • Call Me Cas
    29.9K 1.6K 2

    Castiel Novak, known as Cas, is the school's laid back, blatantly gay, art department head. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is an authoritative, straight-looking, law teacher who wants to keep things strictly professional. However, despite his wishes, he can't take his eyes off of that God damn art teacher. - *...

  • Fallen but Not Broken {Destiel}
    642K 23.5K 22

    The angels have fallen. Castiel lost his grace, and is now a human. He experiences hunger, cold, need, but still pondered at the thought of love. Dean takes him under his wing and helps him understand his new way of life; every aspect. Even though his grace is lost, the affair between a man and an angel is forbidden...

  • Unknown Colours (Destiel/Sabriel)
    764K 40.6K 42

    Highschool/Soulmates AU The Novak's and Winchester's live in a world where everything is grey, up until you meet your soulmate, at which point they'll be able to see colours. It all seems pretty simple, unless you don't know who you met. Dean and Castiel met drunk at a party, waking up with no memory but colours every...

  • Connecting Words and Connecting Lines
    118K 6.4K 18

    Dean Winchester has been going to Souix Falls High School ever since moving to his sort-of-uncle Bobby's place in his sophomore year with his brother Sam. He doesn't expect his senior year to be that enjoyable, but then he meets Castiel Novak, new senior and mute since he was seven. Dean has never fallen for someone h...

  • Comfort Lane (Destiel/Sabriel ABO)
    12.6K 805 24

    As a secret Omega, Castiel Novak has to live life with some precautions. He aspired to become an accountant like his dad had suggested ever since he was a kid. So, instead of an ivy league university like his father had suggested, Cas VERY boldly decided at 4am to run his own social media page. Soon enough, with the h...

  • Love {Destiel}
    229 15 6

    Summary: Dean and Cass have be friends for years, and now Cass was trying to get closer. He felt as his he was craving Dean... even though he knew Dean was into girls. May contain Smut I don't know and if your mommy/Daddy (oh that's hot..) says no sexy times then listen to her/him. Character's: Dean Winchester Castie...

  • Jack (Destiel A/B/O)
    17.1K 723 9

    Dean Winchester's best friend, Castiel Novak, is every omega's fantasy. The alpha is tall, handsome, slender, strong, smart, funny, and good with children. Dean is a single parent to his son named Jack. They are struggling while living alone and on minimum wage because of Dean's lack of schooling and crappy job. When...

    Completed   Mature
  • Endlessly
    107K 1.6K 4

    Cas has been missing for a week, and Dean tears apart every place he can think of looking for him.That is, until Cas shows up at their bunker door while he's out getting groceries. Cas has fallen and is broken, so Dean tries to put the pieces back together.

  • Possession or obsession?
    930 35 9

    In this Destiel (and minor Sabriel!) highschool AU Dean and Castiel are both part of two rivalling groups. When they start to realize they have feelings for each other, they don't know what to do! Do they act on their feeling and risk the chance of getting caught? Or do they just suppres their feelings and let each o...

  • Fandom Messages
    69 6 3

    I will post fake text messages for followig Fandoms: Kpop, Supernatural, Hannibal, Marvel, Dr Who, Sherlock,... What else to know: •Most of them will be AUs •Ships •maybe" x reader" •You can request (but it will take a while) Have fun reading! :)

  • It's Sad to Eat Pie Alone
    621K 31.7K 26

    Castiel never liked people, and although he has nothing against his college room mate Dean personally, he finds that Dean is no exception. But Dean seems to like Cas like no one ever has before, and Cas is starting to think maybe people aren't all bad.

  • Devil's Angel
    563K 22.6K 11

    Castiel hates Dean Winchester with a passion. Every word he said, every look he makes, ever movement he does makes the Novak hate him more and more each day. Yet, when he finally meets the mysterious member of the band, Devil's Angel, he finds himself falling in love with the unknown identity of the man. What could po...

  • Hurt [ A Season 13 Destiel Canon Verse ]
    7.1K 538 43

    A little Destiel/ tiny bit of Sabriel fanfic which starts off at the ending of Supernatural season 12 finale. This is my interpretation of what will come in season 13. I will be reusing some of the long gone characters. It's the best I could come up with. You could also give ideas. Excuse my crappy story. Probably no...

  • Drawings, Chibis, Creating Things!
    468 160 15

    Just some random and fandom stuff

  • Destiel Kinky bdsm
    3.4K 47 4

    I got the idea from season 8 episode 22. Slashy dungeon fic with Dean and Cas

  • Finally Fitting In (Destiel Fan Fiction (Highschool AU))
    82.8K 3K 19

    Castiel Novak never really fitted in, anywhere! That was until he moved, for the fifth time in 6 months, to Lawrence, Kansas and met Dean Winchester! His life will never be the same again! A/N My first fanfic. Fluffy (I think?!) Smut in the future. Also I'm sure there is gonna be an OC later in the story. EDIT (18...

  • Stay Awake With Me [Destiel, College!AU]
    247K 9K 16

    Castiel has been dreaming a lot lately. Dreaming about Dean Winchester. A man he doesn't really know and one he's eager to be close to. SUPERNATURAL FAN FICTION! I do not own any of these characters, just the story :P

  • Why Are You Hiding Your Wings? | Destiel College AU
    1M 42.7K 17

    What do you do if you're forced to go to college and share a dorm with someone? Doesn't sound bad? Well, try hiding wings on top of it!

  • I guess you gave me hope (Destiel)
    279K 11.2K 14

    Castiel is an Angel of the lord but when his brother Gabriel is called away on a mission of heaven, Castiel is forced to be normal. This involves going to school where he meets the dashing Dean Winchester.

  • Lovesong (Destiel/Saileen AU)
    939 139 8

    Collage AU Die wohl angesagteste Band im Campus, The Hell Demons, steht vor einem Problem, nachdem sich ihr Schlagzeuger Ash beide Arme gebrochen hat. Ihr Lead Sänger Dean hat allerdings ganz andere Sorgen seit er Castiel Novak kennen gelernt hat. Währenddessen kämpft Eileen mit ihren eigenen Schwierigkeiten, da sie...

  • Can't fight this feeling (Destiel AU)
    4.2K 535 16

    Nach der Sache mit Bela Talbot hatte sich Dean eigentlich vorgenommen Liebe und Arbeit strikt zu trennen. Allerdings hat er nicht damit gerechnet, dass ihn sein neuer Arbeitskollege Cas derart in seinen Bann zieht. Polizei!AU (Alle Rechte, sowohl an den Bildern, die ich fürs Cover und die Geschichte benutzt habe, als...

    Completed   Mature