Suicide Quotes
sucide quotes
"I'm gunna paint a picture; it's a picture with a twist. The paintbrush is a razor and the canvas is my wrist." ~Unknown Poetry about suicide, the cover says "Love is like heaven, but it hurts like hell."
"It's hard to keep a secret when it's all over your body". Just a quote book about selfharm, suicide and depression. Trust me guys it's hard i am dealing with this shit to, and i am here if you want to talk!
"and you left me with bad habits like cracking my knuckles and wearing your sweater because the smell of you still lingers. you left me chewing at the skin of my skin on my lips because maybe just maybe if it's gone the taste of you will be too, but the problem is i can't tear off my skin. so i'm left with the shivers...
Poems about depression, cutting, and suicide. I wrote almost all of these. Give me some feedback please.
There are more of us than we think. WARNING: IF EASILY TRIGGERED, DO NOT READ. Quotes/poems written by me will be signed with 'wbm'.
Quotes About Suicide, Self harm & Depression *Heavy Trigger Warning!*
'I'm so broken that I can feel it. I mean, I can physically feel it. This is so much more than being sad now. This is affecting my whole body and mind.'
I'm sorry if this story is bothering you. But if it is, it's clearly not meant for you. "What's depression like?" A friend once asked. I didn't know what to say. Because when people ask you things like "What's wrong" and "How are you?" and "Can I help you?" I never know what to say. I end up lying. I end up answering...