❝I can't accept the fact that I have fallen for something as plastic as you.❞ © KINGHOSEOK
❝I can't accept the fact that I have fallen for something as plastic as you.❞ © KINGHOSEOK
❝ i've always wanted to scream how much i love her, pull her into my grasp, trap her in my arms even if i know she would never be mine ❝ he was a liar and she's a fool, a perfect combination of ruination. jeon jungkook ff ©️GEEGUK | cc. fruitpies
"Bet tēti,man nevajag apsargu!" es biju dusmīga,stāvot sakrustodama rokas,skatoties uz viņu sēžam pie sava darba galda. Viņš uztaisīja nopietnu acu skatienu. "Vajag gan un tieši šodien tu viņu jau satiksi. Kā nekā tu esi mana meita. Labi zini,ka mans darbs ir bīstams." Es sakniebu lūpas dusmās. "Tu esi aģents. Kas tur...